
I had a potentially profitable idea stolen by a friend who immediately took credit for it, the slimy bastard. Unluckily for him it had a flawthat upped and bit him in the ass. Still, I’ve never discussed anything with that worm ever since.

Only once, back in the late ‘60s. I was flying from Tokyo to Manila on Swissair. I was a bit puzzled when I didn’t receive a boarding pass when I checked in but the communications barrier was damn near insurmountable and I couldn’t get an explanation that I understood . Later a nice Swiss stewardess (that was what

Question : how does one apply R.I.C.E. to a pulled back muscle (especially the compression and elevation parts)?

To me this indicates that ethnicity has no genetic basis and is purely the result of environment.

Where’d the flight take off from, El Toro NAS?

I suppose there are reasons to use a scarf that a male like me isn't likely to understand, but why not use the Satterfield instead? Pass it through the bag's loops and buckle it.

Anything with a thermal carafe. If there’s one thing I hate it’s overcooked coffee.

Anything with a thermal carafe. If there’s one thing I hate it’s overcooked coffee.

Were those outtakes from the Stealth movie?

For a very practical reason : the Chinese are afraid of getting a flood of refugees surging across the border if North Korea destabilizes and goes to hell. That would in turn destabilize that part of China and the dominoes would start falling.

Texting, talking on the phone, and also the rapidly deteriorating condition of the roads. I mean, back in the day potholes on freeways were unheard of. Now they’re almost common.

Sigh. I'm going to have to get one of these things. I tried making my own but somehow the magnet kept tripping the case sensor that tells the phone to shut off the display... wonder how these guys avoid that.

Sigh. I'm going to have to get one of these things. I tried making my own but somehow the magnet kept tripping the

I bet Amazon is just looking to unload its backlog of dead-tree books. They must have several warehouses of them dating back to their early days. Although, I gotta admit the economics of it don’t make any sense to me, but then my name isn’t Bezos. More power to them.

Malaria, chikungunya, dengue (4 strains, one as deadly as Ebola), zika and god knows what else... yet there continues to be reluctance to embark on a full-scale mosquito eradication campaign. People’s priorities are really screwed up.

Wait a minute. Are those Londoners getting free Jaguars and Land Rovers to drive around in? WHERE'S MY PASSPORT?!

This is why I’m leery of saving more than a couple dozen megabytes on a cloud service’s drives (any cloud service). You never know when they'll decide to limit you or go out of business.

Time to get serious about eradicating mosquitos from the face of the earth once and for all, species who eat them be damned.

I use seven, picked at random from an old 1981 New York City phone book found in the basement.

A friend once insisted to me that the moon exerted tidal effects on your skull's cerebrospinal fluid causing your brain to ride higher in your skull (or maybe sink lower, I forget) and made you act strange at the full moon. Which begged the question of why he acted weird all the time. Some people...

And if the suicide bomber is a woman does she get 72 male virgins? Are there even any such older than say, 10 or 11?

Fly business class.