
You’ll never get crash-free robotic cars on the road until you get meatbags off the road. A mix of robot and meatbag on the mean streets is a recipe for disaster. Trying to predict human behavior is not possible, as economists are learning much their grief.

This may be a dumb question, but when meauring blade lebgth, where exactly do you meaure? I’m assuming you meaure only the sharpened part, am I right?

I have the Cirago two-drive docking station which, aside from providing cheap external storage like the one in this article, can also clone a drive with the press of a button — no computer required.

I have the Cirago two-drive docking station which, aside from providing cheap external storage like the one in this

These figures could be misleading — we don’t know what size apartments the figures are based on, nor what else the rents include. For example, in So. Cal. A rental did not always come with a refrigerator so you had to consider that in your calculations. Whereas when I lived in Texas (admittedly in the dark and distant

The whole credit reporting system is a scam anyway and stacked against the public. You're dinged for having too much debt but you're also dinged for having too little. As someone who pays cash for most things (hey, it's secure! You don't endanger your personal info if you pay cash) I've run into the latter case time

I’ve got that item unchecked in the Play Store app, but icons still keep appearing on my home screen. There’s a bug somewhere and given that Google Play Services crashes with annoying regularity on my device I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s where the problem lies; unfortunately you can’t uninstall and reinstall Play

Along the lines of specil FX, an abundance of shadowy scenes usually means the producers are trying hard to disguise their cheap sets, and the movie will suck.

I'm sure they said the same thing of Columbus, Magellan, Lewis & Clark ...

Does anyone know where I can get powerline adapters in 220 v? Or do they even make them?

Does anyone know where I can get powerline adapters in 220 v? Or do they even make them?

Do narcissists ever want to stop?

About thirty years ago the state of Minnesota actually had a program where they would give your 40 acres of land free and clear on condition that you built a house there and lived there for at least five years (and did some farming too, I think). A friend of mine from Texas was actually considering it till he found

Good advice, but the problem is that for many young writers (especially those who style themselves "journalists") it never goes beyond that first stage. No proofreading, no rewrites, and the result is a nearly unreadable mess. I've said it before and I'll say it again — journalism schools need to put at least 12

I once knew someone who was so OCD about keeping her keyboard clean that she rubbed off all of the markings and would up with a blank keyboard. She was a good touch typist so it didn't bother her much, but when she had to sell the computer no one would touch it.

Can anyone point me to a standing desk with DRAWERS, like a regular desk has? All the standing desks I've seen assume that the user will never accumulate things like staplers, ball pens, paper clips, file folders, etc. that need to be swept out of sight periodically into drawers. C'mon. how realistic is that?

Can anyone point me to a standing desk with DRAWERS, like a regular desk has? All the standing desks I've seen

With social security numbers so compomised, the government should come up with a new system of identification numbers and issue it to everyone, accompanied by a law making it a no-bail no-habeas-corpus FELONY for anyone to ask for the new number.

Modertion in all things — and that includes moderation.

Most modern routers come equipped with a USB 3.0 port that support a variety of devices, chiefly external hard drives. The easiest approach is to just stick an external USB drive into that port and configure it from the router's setup. Voila! NAS.