"Bread, Bread, Bread," said Bread.

I read the headline too fast and I thought it was:

The best part is that he’s smart enough to also (mostly) avoid the defender slide-tackling in studs-up to deliver a painful kick to his thigh or jimmies.

*left handed

[Furiously takes notes]

Good form.

The guy clearly knows what he’s talking about. I’ve lived in Chicago for a couple years and, I gotta tell ya, the murder rate has really gone down. I’ve only been murdered 33 times this year!

Kamara a Chimera on camera.

Reese Terminated

You blew a once in a lifetime headline.


If Jacksonville gets Taylor to go with that defense, they’d be a legit SB contender.

That’s why head coaches are head coaches. He must have seen something that the rest of the team was unable to catch with Peterman throwing.

Do you mean the snuff film?

You know you’ve done a good job as a coach when you’ve boxed yourself into a corner where you’ve got two choices and either one makes you look like an idiot.

McDermott is your classic red-assed footbaw coaching chud, that was a decent coordinator, but should never have had him and his camo hat put in charge of an entire team. That he and the GM want to install a statuesque white quarterback to stand in the pocket and play football like it’s 1992 again is as predictable as

What baffles me is why a bunch of teams haven’t been trying to trade for him, when the Bills obviously want to be rid of him. The Jags for instance would be a legitimate AFC contender if you swap him in for Bortles. Shouldn’t they be offering a 4th round pick just to see if the Bills would take it?

Giannis’s arms and Giannis’s legs.

Still Chris Mullin and Tim Hardaway.

Greenstone should be fired. If it took two punches to knock him down, he’s obviously not doing his job well.