Rob B.

There is nothing from Amazon for $199. Third-party sellers at $250 only.

There is nothing from Amazon for $199. Third-party sellers at $250 only.

This Deals post should be deleted. Something’s not right. Says it’s only available from 3rd party sellers that ALL appear to be scams due to having fewer than 2 seller ratings, and the device is listed for $20-50 plus shipping.

This Deals post should be deleted. Something’s not right. Says it’s only available from 3rd party sellers that ALL

It’s a 2+2. That profile weird even with the glass.

I’m probably going to get slammed for being “that guy,” but what the fuck is up with the writing here? If Jalopnik isn’t going to hire any sub-editors, can you at least ask your contributors to spend some time proofreading their work?