
My mom has Alzheimer’s and is in a memory care facility. They had been one of the only places in the state to avoid the outbreak. Earlier in the week, two residents and five staff tested positive. My mom tested negative then as well as a second time yesterday, and they’re testing again this Tuesday. This is a small

I’ve been with my husband over 30 years. I doubt we put out a lot of sexual chemistry in every day life. Doesn’t mean it’s not there. It’s just not as obvious as in the first few years.

Entanglement” is to “affair” as “conscious uncoupling” is to “divorce.

Facebook in particular. 

Hello, everyone! I want to thank you all for your kind and supportive words. I greatly appreciated each and every one of them and thank you for your continued support of The Root. We appreciate you!

Hmmm....I think Pence is more like the friend of the shitting friend who gobbles down the shit, then tries to convince you there wasn’t any shit on them so you’ll eat the pancakes yourself.


The worst people in the world to work with as a single mother are dudes who are childless or who have stay at home wives. They have literally no concept of how much work kids are, or expect that any/all childcare duties are a woman’s responsibility. They also seem to think that kids can be made to be completely silent

This is just absurd.

Again, people don’t quit jobs — they quit bosses. And we’re rapidly determining which companies are trying to do the right thing, and which are just... fucking terrible.

I got the impression that Eyepatch’s coworkers are personal friends, not just work friends. I’ve worked places like that, where a big chunk of the staff are besties. It can be kind of isolating if you aren’t in the group.

I hear you. Your pain is the result of our country’s abhorrence of “socialism” leading to an almost complete lack of any social safety nets. Without them, in a crisis (and even in everyday life), a large number of people will hit the ground - hard. But knowing that doesn’t help your predicament, and things aren’t

I think I need to vent more than anything right now.

Greetings from the greys in COVID-riddled Florida, the state with over 11,000 new cases today. I got tested Wednesday and it came back negative. Problem is, I went to the dentist on Thursday. Yeah, the folks actually dealing with patients’ teeth all had N95's on, but the office staff? I’ve seen better mask discipline

Unfortunately, we’re all being played once again. Trump and his goons have made this crisis the same ol’ us vs. them battle to deflect from their complete incompetence.

I’m an introvert too, so I feel ya, there. I also had crippling agoraphobia and social anxiety as a teen, which I’ve battled to control, and for the most part, if I want to do something, I face down the phobia and anxiety and say “You are not the boss of me!” So it’s a case of risk assessment; is the enjoyment I’m

I’m laughing because I relate to this so much. I’m 53, childfree by choice, don’t drink, and I’ve had the exact same issues with other women. My few female friends are scattered across the country (they all chose to not have kids, too). I have no words of wisdom to offer, but I guess this situation is a little more

Condensed milk sandwiches are a huge hit in my family. White bread, real butter, liberal drizzle of condensed milk.

It's hard making friends once you're out of college and past young adulthood. No answers, but I hear you. I wish I could count my friends on two hands, but alas I cannot.

Discovered I’m tired of a specific extremely lazy lunch food I thought I’d be happier with longer, so.... now I have a whole bag of frozen chicken nuggets staring at me. I did make taco meat earlier this week, and just made chili now (chili rice! chili + rice is somehow even more delicious).