
i feel like a junky. I keep on trying to do work but am refreshing my data over and over again.

The Kindertransport program should remain a badge of great pride for the UK - and an unforgivable stain for the US.

Appropriate .gif is appropriate.

Read this story with a growing sense of horror throughout at the complete disaster it’ll cause. But for me, the bit that sums it up the most is this quote from the woman who’s responsible:

You should report voting irregularities like this! Full Frontal has an app in the app store where you can report election issues, and that’ll go straight to a nonpartisan voter rights organization that helps investigate that stuff on the ground on election day. There’s other options here: https://www.pewtrusts.org/rese

Y’all Queda?

The fact that this exists and the page is still active proves that Mark Zuckerberg is just as big of a fucking idiot as Trump.  Facebook's Terms & Conditions are meaningless and are only selectively enforced when it suits their bottom line.

GD...now I can't stop saying "ISIS ISIS BABY" in my mind.


It should have been Blaxit - but then maybe that was reminding them too much of Blaxploitation?

Yes. The Trump administration is a white nationalist oppressive regime against anyone who isn’t a wealthy, white, christian.

When you’re still single at 45, they stop asking you directly. They just whisper among themselves about how they knew all along you were gay.  

You would not believe how many people don’t give a single fuck about your pregnancy/labor PTSD and pressure you to have more kids.

I think the media should really focus on this, along with his golfing. Him being a lazy ass does not play well with any demographic including his base. The consistent reporting on him screaming “fake news” or whatever new racist dog whistle (or just blatant comment) he makes just endears his base to him more, but it

Maybe I’m defensive because of my Real Housewives addiction, but I think the idea that reality tv is somehow to blame for our current ills is ridiculous.

And so is DeNiro - he was all about showing that anti vaccine doc that supposed Wakefield who invented that autism = vaccine nonsense at Tribeca.

$1000 says be can’t read without his lips moving.

“We in America are misinformed,” he said. “Reality shows have warped our idea of what a hero is, or what the truth is.”

As it’s gotten harder to comment and less active here, I’ve migrated to Reddit. Yes, it can be a cesspool but it’s also pretty easy to curate and it learns what to show you. I know that’s obvious because everyone is already there but in case you’re not. I think there used to be a Jezbel group there, I guess I should