
Cliche but my husband, who is looking very cute this summer! 

Now that tangerine twit (with an a) knows how we all feel, how we all regret this shitbag being in power.

Went to the most beautiful wedding of a friend and her lovely wife, it was outside, the birds were singing and the theme was Oz, it was magical and they were so sweet! Truly one of the nicest weddings ever.

This is truly a happy day, that vile woman can crawl back under her rock.

Don’t bother, this is a Franco-phobic troll. Another xenophobic dumbass who spews ridiculous crap to rile people up, next he will be saying all French people smell, have hairy underarms and love cheese, just another xenophobic nut.

It may be legal but it is still gross and wrong

Don’t perpetuate things that aren’t true, it is not common for French 30 year old men to impregnate 15 year olds, in fact it Is creepy and gross.

And using the tragedies in Paris and London to justify a lack of gun control, fuck you Trump, you are a disgusting man may you rot.

Ok in a city that caters to tourists and multi lingual environments one would think it would be an advantage to speak another language, especially Spanish, only a closed-minded, short sighted dickweed would think this was a bad thing.

Soft cheese vs hard maybe? Also wtf Brie is delish


They have, you see a lot of young people drinking Starbucks, Costa or Columbus Cafe on the metro these days. Not so many older people who still prefer sitting down for a nice cup in a bar, or simply having it at home or in the office

Fuck it he bought a ticket, and there are no backsies.

Is it possible that they were being nice and maybe trying to be funny? I know it may seem snarky but that sounds like a lame attempt at humour to me. Btw lived in France for 26 years married to a French man and am a Brit so not talking out of my arse here. The French really can be shit at trying to be “cute” at times

And we all know that it rusts your insides

Wearing a bikini in a restaurant is a Nono but isn’t that the same everywhere, the French didn’t invent no shirt no service. It is impolite anywhere to be half naked in a restaurant.

It doesn’t and people eat in the street all the time in France, everywhere except on the RER in Paris but I ate a salad on there the other day and the only ones staring were tourists. Most people mind their beeswax and do their own shit

I call bullshit on Lala, French women drink and smoke outside all the time, now maybe she was dressed in a bikini, drunk, obnoxious and taking selfies at a chic hotel and some snobby lady tsk tskd her but the French are not that confrontational, they would much rather take the piss out of her in French behind her back

Those shoes look really uncomfortable, well done her!

This woman is my queen!