I think they filmed the series in France, a friend of mine worked as an extra on a couple of episodes, soooo nineties. I happen to love highlander because I am married to a man who looked a lot like Christophe Lambert when they were both young.
I think they filmed the series in France, a friend of mine worked as an extra on a couple of episodes, soooo nineties. I happen to love highlander because I am married to a man who looked a lot like Christophe Lambert when they were both young.
Will try both! Thanks
Well done to you, and get well soon. This last week I very diplomatically told the other manager in my team to stop yelling at one of my team members and she surprisingly took it really well and agreed to apologize to my team member, this is real progress because this person does not accept constructive criticism well…
Will check that out, just heard Dakota Fanning plugging it on watch what happens live and it sounded good.
Will def check it out
Love it already and agree that is is warm and fuzzy
Try to watch his episode of who do you think you are, he isn’t as smarmy as he looks
I will try that, have been a bit reluctant but why not.
Love bake off! Even the new version on channel 4, it is very soothing and makes you want to create something with sugar
I could do with these, there is heavy flooding here in Seine et Marne and they have announced snow for tomorrow, I intend to binge watch summer house or something on Netflix, what are you guys watching? Or reading?
Lets be clear, Woody Allen is a disgusting asshole who makes shit movies that people in France don’t watch, his distributor can defend him all he wants his films don’t make money in France, les Tuches3 will get more bums on seats than any crap this creep releases and the opinions of two old ladies do not represent 60…
There is so much I could say here but the French would say bon courage and that seems fitting things have to get better, they can’t get worse. Glad to see you here btw.
They need shiny boots and black shirts to go with their Nazi ideals.
Not really, the horse meat scandal was more Belgium and Holland than France, this is shit but hardly representative of all foods made in France, they produce and export a shit ton.
I talked to a friend about this the other day, when the news makes you feel such despair it is time to turn it off and live your life, watch the birds in the trees, the flowers start to grow and enjoy the small stuff all while planning to oust that fucker ASAP. Love and hugs.
I am officially jealous, I love Duran Duran and have never seen them in concert
I love Nish on the Bugle and the news quiz, good to,see this as well.
I agree this hair length looks so much better on her but why so straight?
This looks equal parts disgusting and delicious
Actually very comfy.