
Go Ben and Ronnie! Wish they could do live shows outside the US

BBC comedy podcast, bitch sesh (currently on hiatus) and watch what crappens are favourites also Levar Burton reads is so calming.

She should have referred to him as the decrepit old man, but then again she is too polite and educated to stoop to his level.

I think the Europeans feel sorry for us, I don’t see them playing hardball with us to spite May, we pay taxes and bring consumer wealth to the Countries and in France retirees from Britain are helping keeping rural France alive by buying property in villages that would otherwise die. Macron has been pretty clear about

I have been in France 25 years, moved here at 19 to work at the house of mouse, met a Froggie, fell in love and married the gorgeous bugger, have lived here all my adult life and couldn’t see myself living anywhere else, before that 6 years in Holland so haven’t lived in the U.K. since 1986. If I had to go back there

I am just glad that so few lives were lost, the clean up will be brutal though. I also used to live in Holland, 6 years just outside Eindhoven.

She is definitely not a WASP:

I am in the same boat, have been working on my French nationality for over a year, the amount of British requesters has gone up over 200% in the last year.

Maybe the French and Dutch will help out the British overseas territories, given that St Martin has been so badly destroyed and hundreds are being evacuated to Guadeloupe, it would be a great fuck you to brainless Boris and the Maybot.

She said nothing at all in this interview.

But he brought Rosé...

I stole it from Ronnie Karam from watch what crappens so feel free.

Oh you are serious? Wow, sorry to have crapped on your quote.

I would expect no less.

This is another awful, revolting woman who needs to go to shut up mountain and stay there, it is going to get very crowded up there.

She should have known, she was a Nazi sympathizer and a real cow to work for.

Maybe this guy is a psychic but he foresaw these things for the wrong president, my mind is a little blown on how accurately his paintings are to what the orange turderino is doing.

Don’t these people realise that poor Jesus wouldn’t even be allowed to travel to America let alone dressed like that, the TSA/Police/ICE and whatever other “law” enforcement would have him locked up and tortured before he stepped foot in the airport. Also again, small hands.

Those are some tiny hands... just saying.

Screw this obnoxious cow, she should go to shut up mountain and stay there.