This is why the French eat foie gras
This is why the French eat foie gras
Did this idiot sleep through the Obama years and his sack filled with baked beans of a father tweeting incessent hatred at The president and his wife? Shut up you skeevy prick.
I dislike this woman intensely.
Well I got better...
My husband, he is my kind of hot and he has great taste!
I’m in my mid 40s and like my men more rugged.
No judgement here you are very much entitled to as many naps are as humanly possible.
He turned me into a newt. Drown him! Burn him!
They are all far too pretty for my liking.
Can’t help thinking that maybe they missed the mark with the new Steve Harvey show.
That you do, you have my condolences.
I hope the bees realise what horrid people they are and sting them all to death although that means the bees will die and I can’t wish even more evil on those poor little buggers.
Kids repeat what they hear, these kids have racist shithole parents. The aftermath of this fat orange lizard will be felt for years to come.
This makes me physically ill, who steals from kids with cancer? oh yes I forgot we are talking about the devil’s spawn.
This is such a heartwarming and funny show, it is intelligent without being dumb, so refreshing.
Starred for wanting to bring Jeana back! That woman must have pissed in Andy Cohens cornflakes to deserve this much shade.
Thanks for this
Sorry but your argument is unfair, how do you know my level of pain? you yourself are saying that everything is relative to a personal appreciation, one thing is certain, in your country doctors over prescribe opiates and the US has a high level of addiction because people tend to jump straight to opiates when…
Ick ick ick is all that comes to mind when anyone says Duggar.
I have lived through a lot of pain, both physical and mental, I had my foot broken to fix a deformity and I had 7 teeth removed including 2 impacted wisdom teeth and had no opiates prescribed, I am not superior in any way, to be honest paracetamol is enough, I’m not super human. I also live with arthritis in my neck…