
Hey Jezzies! This has been a sunny holiday weekend in France so happy times, what are you all happy about ?

It is not an anthem, it ain’t even catchy.

Hahahahahahah not enough stars for this

I always take aisle seats because I have a bladder the size of a pea and I don’t like asking strangers to get up

This makes me laugh, I am childless and should be ashamed but I am not.

I guess they are copying the London Underground who have had this for a while

Stop drinking, I lost my mother to this and it ruined my childhood so before you fuck up someone else’s life and die in shitty circumstances in your early 50 s find a way to stop. You have it in you to do it otherwise you wouldn’t talk about it, please try. Good luck man

Watch what crappens, The Bugle and Friday night comedy from the BBC and Bitch Sesh are my go to podcasts and I also like Heather Dubrow and her husband’s podcast doctor and mrs guinea pig

You don’t need that kind of drama in your life. I remove this kind of drama crazy person from my life with no care whatsoever

Turkish food is awesome and holy shit for your life. Be happy, be true to you and get the help you need from where you can. Also you define you, no-one and nothing else. Bises

Sounds like my mum minus the boyfriend and brother, well done on keeping sane, I did the same thing and I am somewhat normal and healthy.

My mum died in 2002 so I skip this day with relish, also my mum was a shitty abusive alchoholic so...

Sorry mate, this sucks for you and I call you mate because anyone who lives through this shit is automatically a mate of mine don’t hesitate to vent and good luck to you both, my thoughts are with you.

After 40 things get brilliant, shit goes south but life gets good

Totes not their target audience.

This is awful, fuck people.

Fuck this man, his movement and everything he stands for. He is evil and cruel and wrong and has no right to spew this disgusting rhetoric in this day and age.

I kinda love DNCE even though they are not geared to my generation


How can a woman who looks so incredibly unwell be fixing a major health crisis? What qualifications does she have?