
Screw the nazi and good luck to Macron, it is going to be a shitstorm from here on out but at least he beat that fucking evil bitch. As a side note I have my date for my citizenship interview, December 7th woo hoo! It has been a long road to join my patrie de cœur 😉

Have to say this Macron won!!

Bit late to the thread and in the greys so this will probably not get noticed but has anyone been watching the Anne of Green Gables series? Are you liking it (I am) ? And what are you watching?

Hope the weather improves before you get here, it is so cold and rainy in Paris right now.


I quit biting my nails after 40 years of non-stop nibbling

Totally, who the hell is that idiot kidding? Luckily all the leak is showing is that Macron pays his bills and answers emails, maybe that twat Assange and his 4chan acolytes should learn French.

I’m coming from the cheese eating surrender monkeys, we have our own shit going on but nothing comparable to this.

Fuck all of this shit, sorry American Jezzies, if France doesn’t shit the bed on Sunday come live with us.

Exactly what I was thinking, what the hell was a mentally ill man doing with a gun and a license to use it?!

Everything about this story is fucking awful, I feel for the family of this child.

Dear Kevin Bacon, welcome to normality and now shut the fuck up because you sound like a dick.

Yep he sounds like an entitled asshole... shame

Sorry America

Ok I met Kenneth Branagh years ago and he is an entitled shit, so NO to this. David Suchet for ever.

This is amazing

She is a parasite, and a Nazi, all her campaign posters in my village have wee little mustaches, love the little buggers who did that.

Did her really use the word “terrific” when talking about the Israeli / Palestine conflict? It is like a 4 year old talking.

That is an awesome prank and her style is better than Luann’s

Watching them watch Trump win is like watching a car crash