Aren’t Daft punk in their 40s ?I feel like they have always been around.
Aren’t Daft punk in their 40s ?I feel like they have always been around.
How did I miss this?
Sandy Toksvig is a fucking treasure, I love Noel Fielding and this pairing is really bizarre but I will watch the shit out of it.
I love her show and her Merkel is very funny
This nazi is disgusting and unfortunately in power, it should be God help America while these asshats are in power.
What if swift voted for trump? There have been a tonne of blinds about some high profile female artist voting for the shitass bastard and lying about it, maybe it is taytay
Dear Americans, come move to Europe, we have a lot of fucked up shit but health care is pretty good and cheap in most places and we kinda like you and your TV programs.
17 degrees Celsius in Paris with loads of sunshine since Saturday after weeks of rain, climate change is so real.
Women are women, end of story, we should accept the struggles of so many different people who are female no matter what.
Jezebel has a lot of hate for random people like Ed Sheeran, that girl from les mis and anyone who isn’t Beyoncé
Did all that Botox finally rot her brain?
I had a scare a while back, they biopsied the lump I have in my left boob (which hurt) and it is just a fibrous mass. Now they said I have micro calcifications which could be either age or early signs of breast cancer so I have to do a mammogram again in the next couple of weeks. I’m not freaking out, it is what is…
Love this
Conspiracy theory, I like it.
I think he is pro troll
Even if this idiot is a doctor, it doesn’t make him a nice person and every time he opens his gob he proves just that. This man is a gobshite
Can’t watch the trailer, but I don’t care I will watch the shit out of this train wreck
Enquiring minds really want to know the same thing
If he walked into a ladies loo behind me I would probably say, sorry mate this is the ladies loo (thinking he made a mistake) because he is a man.... this whole situation is so bizarre, let people piss wherever they want as long as it isn’t in my garden... I will kill that cat one day. Also even if he wants to pee in…
The rose petal effect is a little strange and doesn’t look professional. Shame really because this could have been quite sweet.