When people talk about the current golden age of TV, they’re usually referring to big, serious dramas like Breaking…
When people talk about the current golden age of TV, they’re usually referring to big, serious dramas like Breaking…
Back in the mid to late-90’s, Naomi Chiba expressed her die-hard Nintendo fan love in the pages of Nintendo Power mag…
Guys. Guys? Guys.
Lol, the boss is a clown.
And despite all this, they’re still paying their players more than the NFL’s minor league system.
It is utterly unfair to the rest of us poor slobs that Michelle Obama is allowed to be so flawless. Beautiful, smart, classy, married to Barrack, excellent speaker, funny.....
I am starting to think that the Republican Party doesn’t vet people all that well.
Sincere question: why is everything at Baylor not getting as much publicity as PSU? Is it geography (East coast bias)? Baylor’s relative lack of pedigree compared to PSU? General apathy for these issues at this point? That it was college women instead of little boys?
I’m going with “Hopelessly corrupt”. 50 years ago, these two would have been writing articles about how smoking was totally harmless and good for you, all while wearing RJ Reynolds lab coats.
I felt the original anime was pretty shallow and overhyped overall. It had good moments, but most of the underlying concepts were just shoved aside to present a typical generic shonen hero vs evil (homonculus) fights.
to this day not sure wich is worse Nina Or Houges daughter at the funneral
Why is it always the Chicken Hawks and draft dodgers who talk so tough about military service they know nothing about?
I would root for the Red Sox to win the World Series, but I’m afraid that kind of success would cause the Boston sports fan base to lose the generosity and good natured friendliness that they are famous for, and turn them into a bunch of loud, obnoxious, arrogant, fuck butts.
As an old white man, I never thought much about a “rape culture,” and I probably would have denied its existence. It just never really seemed prevalent to me. I would never have said that we didn’t have a racist culture, but somehow the rape connection just wasn’t there for me.
Welcome to Kotaku’s Sunday Comics, your weekly roundup of the best webcomics. The images enlarge if you click on the…
I like that you stayed with him even after knowing he didn’t clean the wall, that’s love honey.
And the Process proceeds exactly as planned...
my worst Miss U.
You know that feeling you get when you see those families where they all truly love one another and can express it well while you’re reminded of you own dysfunctional family that can barely manage a single holiday without screaming, tears, and changes to the will?