This will be the 4th copy of this film that I buy, when it becomes available. Hope the restoration gets somewhere in upstate NY (Ithaca?) so I can see it on the big screen.
This will be the 4th copy of this film that I buy, when it becomes available. Hope the restoration gets somewhere in upstate NY (Ithaca?) so I can see it on the big screen.
I seem to have a 9.5" span. Any NFL teams interested?
This is great news. this goes to the top of the watch list, it will be difficult waiting for it. A Wrinkle In Time was the first SF/fantasy book I read and it left a lasting imprint.
My favorite “expansion on a movie” was “The World of Kong,” a Weta art book that essentially was a wildlife guide to the 2005 version of Skull Island. I still bring out the book and skim through it; I love the imagination and the sheer creepiness of some of the ideas, especially the pit dwellers.
So if the “written” column returns, then this will be the only Funbag I miss this year. I don’t have time for podcats; I read a lot faster than people talk so listening to podcasts means I miss more on line.
Trump: Staying true to the brand.
Nice to know you can be suspended for being correct at ESPN.
I hope the “10 year window” is flexible; in an industry notorious for dismissing women as being marketable as they age, wouldn’t this aspect have a chance at reducing the number of women on the voting roster?
One of the funniest things my partner ever did was get into a display-off with a tom turkey at a NC game farm. She unbuttoned her coat, held it open and flapped at the turkey while doing a very creditable gobble. The turkey puffed up and angrily talked back at her. This went on for a minute (we didn’t want to freak…
No tax money for sports teams. period.
My company just forced us to go from an hour lunch to 30 minutes. No time to do anything and certainly no time to get out and walk a bit.
I want to check out Telenovela; one of my guilty pleasure movies is Soapdish, and I’m up for another soap-oriented comedy if it’s done that well. here’s hoping.
I should just make a template for this, I keep writing these comments on this site.
<gets out popcorn> ooooh yeah this’ll be good
Dammit I’m too late, it’s been pulled.
As a recovering football fan and New England sports fan, it’s good that there is another reason beyond the NFL’s general crap attitude to its employees to keep me away from it. Unfuck those bastards (fucking is too good for them).
Shaughnessy won what? What a loser. He invented that damn “curse” then tried to live off it the rest of his life. Speak to power? As if. I’ve read enough of his self-serving garbage to know the purpose of his work is to promote himself. Gods save us if this is the best available work to win this.
Cabana Chat with Dixie Wetsworth!!!!! For some reason that one always got me.
Good Lord these things creeped me out. Also the hardest boss battle I had.