
There, there Luke. You’ll be tea-bagged too.

The three 90’s Gamera movies are well worth a watch. I was especially impressed with the soundtrack on the first one; I hope the music in the new one is of the same quality.

I remember the peloton going by my house in Slower Delaware. We were out in the middle of nowhere, in estuarine marshland adjacent to a wildlife refuge, so it was surrealistic to see them go on up the road. For about half a minute, followed by all the associated vehicles.

Took ‘em long enough to get to this point. I bet if DSLs hadn’t binged on greed they could have stayed under the radar longer.

The first LP I bought was Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, when it was first released. I’ve been listening to new music ever since. Never stop listening to new or new-to-you music. It stretches your mind and horizons, and is great for exposing you to new points of view. This leaves out soylent pop, of course. I like a bit of

Don’t skip this show! I was going to give it a miss, but after it started getting some attention, I started watching it with my wife. It’s wonderful, and very, very funny.

Crap. I knew my investment in time watching their work would be rewarded. This is very depressing.

I’m that guy - not much of a footie fan, but these were a lot of fun to watch. Loved the reaction shots afterward.

I’ll play 2 or 3 games a year. I like immersive games, so I’m about to finally play Shadows of Mordor after playing Witcher 3. Then maybe I’ll try the new Fallout; my daughter really liked the last one and it looked fun.

Delta Tau was at Brown on the main quad back in the 70’s; if I recall they had a “reputation” back then too.

Enjoy your break!

Binge on Steven Universe on Hulu. My wife and I just started watching it, we’re 5 eps in, and I’ve heard it gets better. Good stuff.

Just wanted to thank you for the extra BCO.

When I had long hair (to just below my shoulder blades) I used a salon that had very few male customers. They never said a word, did a great job maintaining it, and when I had to cut my hair before a job interview (same company I’m still with) they almost made it a mini-wake and gave me my shorn locks tied up in a

Dayum. Guess the NFL really didn’t like the Pats making them look bad. Time to throw more crap on the wall and see what sticks. Through their shills of course. You just can’t escape this garbage.

This is one wicked talented person. Hats off!

Just started watching it this weekend, and am 4 episodes in on the 1st season. Love Garnet, and the theme song. I like it but it hasn’t laser-blasted my socks off yet.

Somebody’s been into the off-brand drugs again. This is just weird.

Haven’t had any time to game recently, so first I’m gonna finish my first trip thru Witcher 3 courting Yen. Then to decide if I want to go game+ or first do a new game from the start on the Triss track. From what I read earlier maybe I need to wait til the new patch that improves interacting with Triss.

Isn’t this the guy whose team actually, definitely cheated by pumping in fake crowd noise to their stadium? So yeah, he has a stick up his butt about Goodell.