I used to say that the dunk contest was dead. The days when the NBA’s elite players competed were long gone, I said,…
I used to say that the dunk contest was dead. The days when the NBA’s elite players competed were long gone, I said,…
The handcuffing is a dickish move, but he had warned her to be quiet several times. I get that she’s trying to keep her client out of jail, but surely interrupting the judge like this won’t help matters.
Nope, it absolutely can be. I think it’s hard to tell from the story who’s the bad guy here. It is conceivable she was so obnoxious and inappropriate over such a long period of time that the handcuffing is justified.
It sounds like she was in contempt of court, though. I know that usually is applied to disruptive defendants and witnesses, but is there any reason it couldn’t be applied to an attorney, if she continually interrupted the judge?
1.) There is nothing wrong with holding a prayer.
Explaining that to the gawker commentators is like trying to talk to a brick wall. The majority of western Christians stopped that bullshit ages ago. They also forget Christians are persecuted more than any other religion around the world. The left here in particular, like talking about equality, fairness and all that…
How could anyone with an internet connection NOT have heard of fucking Kony at this point. It doesn’t make your argument any less retarded. One small cult in Africa is not the same thing as radical Islam, which is a well-funded global phenomenon with millions of sympathizers, a sophisticated social media presence, a…
Well, I can tell you one thing that has changed. Serious students pursuing degrees in hard sciences have to study in locked rooms so that BLM people will not barge in and scream at them. And the environment on campus is like that in China in the early days of the Cultural Revolution. At any time you could find…
There’s really no way to adequately express how much I hate that commercial of the guy talking about how much he likes to drive his Lambo and read a book every day that plays before some YouTube videos. The five seconds I have to listen to it before clicking the ‘Skip Ad’ button are the worst five seconds anyone…
The more embarrassing it gets for the Pentagon and SS the longer the jail sentence that mailman is going to get. There might be no official crime of "exposing government and military incompetence" but it is the most fiercely prosecuted and punished one all the same. And that is bad. Not only did he stage an awesome…
Wow you're an idiot...
It's a coin flip between Lewandowski and Gotze to see who is Two-Face.
My thoughts exactly it takes a strong powerful individual to keep the various sects in line. Otherwise it devolves into a chaotic mess of bloodshed as they fight in the vacuum of power. We might not like it we might not understand it but that is what stability in the middle east is like. It has nothing to do with…
Probably going to be a very unpopular sentiment on this site, but this is just another result of Pres. Obama's failed foreign policies. In supporting an immediate overthrow of Mubarack (along with other regional dictators) he supported creating a power vacuum that only the opposition, the Muslim Brotherhood, could…
For as bad as Trent Baalke might be at hiring/retaining coaches, he has perfected the Abercrombie & Fitch fake football tossing to yourself look. So there's that.
I probably get alot of illogical hatred for that. But Libya along with a few other particular countries was way more peaceful, more free and less violent under their "dictators".
If you say so. Been saying "Blokes" since I was a kid. Of course, I did watch a lot of Benny Hill, and The Flying Circus.
I wouldn't be happy to see my letters on a guy and my sisters would have killed me if they saw me in them at a liquor store or a bar. He is a random, she doesn't know him and he is a dude so he's probably not a KKG. You're putting race into something that I don't see as racially motivated.
I always love these interviews. The subject is always effortlessly cool/chic/casual. They always shop at little vintage shops that you've never heard of. They always meet up at some vegan cafe / gourmet burger / fair-trade organic kale bistro for the interview.
When Vogue interviews me, they'll be all,…