
Yes. I would watch either Fury Road, which is a film that actually has something to say, or even John Wick, which is just incredibly stylish and well crafted, before the vast majority of superhero movies. That's not because I hate superhero movies. It's just because they're corporate products. Fun, enjoyable corporate

But John Wick and Fury Road were made by people with a singular, original vision. Most comic book movies are made by committee, so they can seem interchangeable after a while. Don't get me wrong, I like Marvel's movies, but they're mostly factory films. They're not the result of directors who have a particular world

You know, Adele, Corey Feldman continued his concert after knocking out one of his teeth. That's why he's a star!

That's an interesting idea. I would love for them to find some way to engage with how the world has changed. They don't have to tweak the formula too much, but they should at least acknowledge that it's not the 90s anymore.

I'm loving the Twin Peaks revival, but I could do without the nagging wife characters.

I do have a soft spot for action movies where a killer has to redeem his life of violence by—get this—killing a shit ton of people.

This might be a controversial opinion, but I think Bourne Legacy might actually be the second best of the series after the first movie. I would be down for one more film that brings together Jason Bourne and Aaron Cross together. Besides, poor Jeremy Renner needs a break now and again.

I've been meaning to watch Faster for a long time. Thanks for the reminder. It's too bad that The Rock has been sucked into all these CGI messes. If he were born a couple decades earlier, he could have had the kind of run that Schwarzenegger did in the 80s and early 90s.

In the above hand to hand fight, Greengrass doesn't cut as much as he and others would later on, which makes it a more passable action scene. Still, the shaky cam prevents you for seeing many of the moves and countermoves. While I remember Greengrass's Bourne movies being exciting at the time, the sheer number of

I watched Fast 5 and Snitch at home around the same time, and in the latter The Rock is like half the size of what he is in the former. He could legitimately play both the Hulk and Bruce Banner with just a little bit of green paint and time to bulk up before they shot the Hulk scenes.

Really? I'm intrigued. I don't keep up with comic books like I used to though. It's an expensive hobby.

Is it time to salvage the reputation of Jean-Paul Valley?

But in the original run, they at least showed awareness that conspiracy theories could be kind of crazy. There were a number of times when the show suggested that Mulder might be just a little nuts. There was also that episode when he went under cover with that right wing militia. So it was more self-aware than what

I didn't even bother.

He set this up yesterday by claiming that The Wrath of Khan is the second best Star Trek movie of all time. I have to admit, he at least put a little bit of effort into this trolling.

I still like a lot of Chris Carter penned episodes of the classic run, but the revival showed that he just doesn't have it in him anymore. The first and the last episode of the season were barely coherent.

Well, I thought it was interesting to see why people at CNN went gaga over Vance, but it's not a very well written memoir, and it really doesn't add much to the overall conversation. I also borrowed it from the library.

I really liked the idea of Sense8.

I bowed out of this show after the first season. But good for these people who apparently like wading through a seemingly unending slog (that's now actually ending for real this time).

I find it hilarious that for conservatives liberals are somehow weak snowflakes and the greatest threat to America since the Irish arrived on our shores.