
If you want to keep that title, you have to be willing to put in the effort.

James Brown better get a new nickname because Eric Roberts is clearly the hardest working man in show business.

Thanks for the recommendation. I'll put her work on my list of things to read.

I finished up Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? over the weekend. It was my second reading of that book, but the last time I read it, I was in high school. It's weird and wonderful, upper tier Philip K. Dick.

That's what I was afraid of. Besides, I prefer bad movies wrought from a director's personal vision and hubris. You know, your Birdemics and Rooms.

I've never seen any of these dumb movies, but I'll admit that I was tempted to watch the second film after hearing about several moronically misguided scenes and characters.

Great at killing everyone's good time.

Take that, Bittermam!

Hey, everyone! The wet blanket's gone! Let's bust out some beer, shotgun them, and then go skinny dipping!

For me, having unsweetened iced tea around during the summer months is essential. I rarely drink pop anymore, but I've recently become addicted to sparkling water (the kind without fake sugar, which is supposedly just as bad for you as the real thing).

I went to see The Mummy this weekend for some reason. Yeah, it wasn't very good. I'm not against the idea of a Universal Monsterverse, since they accomplished just that many decades ago. And there were moments in the film where if you squint, you could see the good movie it could have been. But Tom Cruise is way too

"they really cruely kill the assisstant lady for no real reason"

There's a massive amount of music out there, more than any single person could listen to. This means that there's music that will fit just about anyone's taste. Go search for it!

What happened to the old Purple Tentacle? You know, the guy who felt like he could rule the world. You used to be a lot more ambitious.

There are songs on Pet Sounds that have an immediate emotional punch, which Sgt. Peppers just doesn't have. Sgt. Peppers also has too much filler. I like the Beatles more than The Beach Boys, but if you're going to compare these two specific albums, it's Pet Sounds all the way.

Don't you know that music has an expiration date? I can really only enjoy music a few hours after it's been released before it becomes lame. I mean, are we still talking about SZA's album? It's been available to listen to for most of this morning. It's time to move on.

These are the two best Beatles albums. They're experimental without being all over the place. And, to my ears, they don't sound as dated as something like Sgt. Peppers and Abbey Road (although I like those albums).

I keep on rooting for Blomkamp despite the fact that I couldn't bring myself to sit down and watch Chappie. Or, maybe, I keep on rooting for Blomkamp because I never sat down and watched Chappie.

JJ Abrams is still probably excited that Trevorrow is going to make him look like Spielberg by comparison.

I love Star Wars, but I also think it's probably a mistake to use the Marvel strategy on the series. Instead of releasing one film a year, they should at the very least make it one every two years, so that we don't all get sick of it in the next few years. I also liked it when a Star Wars film was an actual event, not