
You and me both, Madonna.

I like my mug whiskey with my smug whimsy.

I must have confused KGBeast and King Shark. It's been a while since I watched the movie. But, yeah, it's kind of embarrassing when a feature film is upstaged by a direct to video cartoon with a fraction of the budget.

Look, I hate Nickelback as much as the next guy, but there are tons of terrible performers and musicians. Can't we spread the hate around a little?

The difference is that The Room was the work of a true auteur. A highly incompetent and nonsensical auteur, but an auteur nonetheless. Also, The Room was at least entertaining.

I envy you. It's one of the worst theater experiences I've had in years. It might even be the worst theater experience I've had in the last decade.

God, I hate this stupid movie.

“Nothing’s Gonna Stop Me Now” is one of the greatest sitcom theme songs of all time. Fight me!

I actually reread some of the early comics before the movie came out because I think Suicide Squad is an awesome concept, and I was naively excited for the film. I remember that scene in the comics, and it's executed much better than on the screen. There's an animated direct to video Suicide Squad movie that does

Geez, David Mackenzie. Would it kill you to get dressed before the photo shoot and not during?

Reportedly, right before giving chase, images of all the moped thieves Hardy hadn't caught flashed before his eyes.

With the exception of that White Helmets documentary, which is legitimately affecting, most of the Netflix movies I've have been okay at best. And too many of them have been downright crappy. So I don't think movie theaters are missing much.

I liked some of the visuals, but the underlying message that women in the fashion industry are shallow backstabbers isn't exactly mindblowing. I actually think that Nicolas Winding Refn's movies are the perfect example of films brought down by pretension. He thinks they're deeper than they really are. In fact, his

It's a fun sequel, but the plot is a bit too much of a rehash. We watch as Danny Glover tries to discover who's killing these gangs, but since we've all seen the first movie, we know it's the Predator. So you kind of have to wait around for the main character to catch up with the audience.

Cousin Larry was such a fucking asshole.

The big fight in the second episode was also great. Towards the end there were a handful of so-bad-it's-good moments. But with the exception of Jessica Jones, these Netflix shows have been wasted opportunities.

I think my favorite moment is Odenkirk holding class outside and reading Rush lyrics to his students under a tree.

Upvoted for the incorrect use of the word "pentacle."

"I Remember" is such a great first track.

Their songs are a bit too sickly sweet for my taste. As far as female fronted rock bands borrowing from the 90s goes, I'll stick with Nashville's Bully.