
Don't laugh at On Deadly Ground. Al Gore pretty much ripped off the slideshow ending of Steven Seagal's directorial effort with a little documentary called An Inconvenient Truth.

At least he went the distance.

"Marvel eventually tapped into what people wanted."

I always wondered why they never translated the original novels into English. You would think that anyone who owned the rights would be able to make a bit of money off of those. And if they're in the public domain, then all the better.

If your frame of reference is only the original Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, then you're going to be disappointed. It's not nearly as lyrical and affecting as the original film. But if you look at the sequel as another entry into Yuen Woo Ping's filmography, then you might have a good time. There are some strong

"Ang Lee, didn't go into Hulk with a "it is fun to blow stuff up" attitude. He was busy making his tragic sci-fi opera, creating a disconnect with people who just wanted to see stuff get smashed, which is why people hated the movie."

I think most people don't even remember the Ed Norton Hulk, which is probably the worst of the MCU. So I think in the long run, Ang Lee's Hulk has won out.

I rewatched Star Trek VI not too long ago, and I really dug the little mystery subplot. It reminded me that, oh yeah, Nicholas Meyer wrote a Sherlock Holmes novel. I also kind of think the story would have been stronger if Saavik had been the traitor. But, yeah, it's a really underrated film.

There's definitely an optics problem. I don't follow the Grammys closely enough to know if they're as white as the Oscars (my guess is that no awards show is that white). And maybe it's just because I've never been interested in the Grammys, so I underestimate their influence, but Kendrick Lamar, Kanye, and Jay Z have

I don't get why people are still complaining about Macklemore winning Album of the Year at the Grammys. Sure, he didn't deserve it. Sure, there were far more talented artists up for the award. But it's the fucking Grammys. It's not a real award show, and in the end it means absolutely nothing if you win. They're even

I just don't think it's safe to allow babies to drive. We need to have some standards in this country. Just my opinion.

I blame Jimmy Fallon for most things wrong in the world, so sure.

Don't knock JCVD's recent career. Like Matthew McConaughey, he's had something of a renaissance recently. In addition to JCVD like the title mentioned, the two recent Universal Soldier films are action film classics, even if they did happen to go straight to video. He was also the best part of the aggressively

I'll defend the mythology episodes for the first six or so seasons. They were a lot of a fun, and they were a nice break from the monster of the week episodes. I still think they could do something interesting by updating the kind of paranoia Mulder and Scully are reacting to, but these bookend episodes were awful. I

In the Prometheus versus Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter debate, I'm going to go with Abraham Lincoln if only because it has Mary Elizabeth Winstead as hot Mary Todd Lincoln.

So Cheap Trick finally make it into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, but they have to endure the humiliation of being inducted by Kid Rock? When they get their statue (or whatever object is handed over), it's probably gonna be all sticky and smell like Skoal dip tobacco.

You just reminded me that The Dissolve is no more. And now I'm depressed.

I could see a version of Mad Max 4 with old Mel that would interrogate and deconstruct the myth of the independent, self-made hero, but I don't think Fury Road is that film. As it stands, I much prefer Hardy taking the reins, because you don't have that baggage, and I'm a little skeptical that old Mel would be able to

That depends. How much do you actually value your first born?

During last week's episode, I couldn't decide if it was trying too hard or not trying hard enough. Still, it was weird enough to keep my attention. Overall, I approve.