
Why do bad things happen to good people?

Here's the shortened version: Twenty-five years ago something awful happened, and we should never speak of it again.

Here's the thing I don't get about the Jimmy Savile scandal: If you try to imagine the Platonic ideal of a pedophile, he would look exactly like Jimmy Savile! How did the British public not realize this guy was a creep the moment he appeared on the telly?

"but what were there flaws?" Come on, AVClub!

People like to kick around Reality a lot, and I think it's an underrated album, so I'll go with "She'll Drive the Big Car," "Days," "Fall Dog Bombs the Moon," and "Bring Me the Disco King," which are all immediately catchy songs.

I agree. It's a great playlist, but few of the stuff from the 70s are exactly deep cuts because those albums are so well known. For a true list of deep cuts, you would probably have to pull from the first two albums as well as his work from the 80s and 90s, since that stuff tends to get overlooked.

Yeah, Carter can be uneven, but you're right that he turned in a number of great episodes. Looking back on his episodes, some of his purple prose could be a bit much, but as a pretentious teenager I really liked that style of writing at the time.

I believe that when Scully first meets the Lone Gunmen, she argues that it's difficult to believe in government conspiracies when the government doesn't seem to get things right all that often. I think the retort was that the conspirators are a part of the "shadow" government. Besides, I've found that the US Postal

I used to write off both seasons eight and nine, but when I rewatched the series a few years ago, i realized that season eight is arguably better than season seven, which was when the series started to look a little tired. Season eight kind of mixed up the formula and added a little more variety to the proceedings.

Please be good, new X-Files. The year has already started off kind of shitty, and I don't know if I can take more crappy X-Files episodes.

The dude ate at every pizza place in Manhattan? Why would you do that to yourself? New York pizza is the absolute worst. I have no clue why the city takes such pride in it. In general, the East Coast is terrible at making pizza.

Six seasons and a movie!

Still sounds better than The Ridiculous Six.

The best parts of Jurassic World are when the film is hilariously stupid, like when the t-rex and raptor give each other a knowing "good job, bro" nod after defeating the big bad dinosaur.

Adam Driver walks into a bar, and the bar tender says, "Why the long face."

I kind of wonder how Youtube gets away with streaming so much music. I mostly avoid streaming from there, because I figure if I stream from Spotify, at the very least the band gets one one-thousandth of a cent or whatever.

I don't know why Reality isn't more loved. It's a great collection of songs, and each one is immediately catchy. If Bob Dylan had written something nearly as good today, then critics would have been crawling over each other to praise it.

Ten dollars a month compared to free (plus ads) can be too expensive for some people. Some people feed themselves for several days on ten bucks a month.

Nearly the same thing happened to me. I think it's only safe to listen to that album within the confines of my apartment for the foreseeable future.

What's kind of amazing about this music video and his last couple of albums is that it does seem as if Bowie was carefully crafting his own eulogy. Even towards the end, he had utmost control over his own image. What a loss.