
I realize that the internet has turned on Ang Lee's Hulk and I'm in the minority. I actually think it's a really fascinating movie that doesn't always work, but I still like it overall. It just sort of depresses me to hear someone on a popular culture website essentially say, "We need the studio to keep these

The original trilogy was very much Lucas's idiosyncratic vision. No one else was going to combine Republic serials, myth, Kurosawa, and John Ford like him. Obviously, now that Star Wars has become a major piece of "IP," it's no longer one man's vision. And I'm mostly okay with that.

"For the record, I don't think Hollywood auteurs like Brad Bird or Guillermo Del Toro would be good choices. They'd be too insistent on their personal vision instead of maintaining continuity and listening to others' opinions on story."

It would certainly be a more interesting choice than J. J. Abrams.

I read the review to the end, and there was not one comment on the wigs. For shame.

Yeah, people are really laying into Richard Cunningham. The guy's got a pretty good track record, and I would much rather watch one of his films than the vast majority of big blockbusters studios keep on turning out.

Yeah, you'll have a hard time getting me to read an article on Slate.

That moment in The Imitation Game when they finally break the code and determine that the Germans are going to sink a British ship and it turns out that out of all the British ships in the world that one happened to be carrying the brother of one of the code breakers and somehow the brother knew this information: ugh.

"I thought the Alamo Drafthouse smelled bad on the outside!"

This interview kind of reminds me of a questions I've had for a long time: what the hell happened to commercial rock radio? I don't listen to the radio often, but when I do three or four times a year, I notice that rock radio either consists of the classic rock stations and "alternative" stations that play music from

Yuen Woo Ping is a very different director than Ang Lee, so I'm not all that surprised by the major difference in tone and visuals we see in the trailer.

Off the top of my head, I would have liked to have seen Deafheaven, Titus Andronicus, and Bully. But when you're only dealing with fifteen albums, you're going to leave a lot off the list.

It got to a point where the only joy I received from that show was the appearance of the terrible flashback wig.

But these terrible wigs did have a bit of a payoff when Martha mentions that she knows "Clark" wears a wig and that she doesn't judge him if it makes him feel better about himself. Also, the shock on Matthew Rhys's face was hilarious. It takes a good bit of acting to pretend that you thought that wig was convincing.

Have they made an official announcement of which theaters will be showing the film in 70mm? I've only been able to find rumored theaters online.

De mortuis nihil nisi bonum

Ten years? The audience can't wait that long for the next reboot!

"Mistakes like catching a cold and all dying, as you may recall"

Don't listen to the reviews. Broken Age is a really great game if you love adventure games. I think people became upset that they split the game into two and it prejudiced them against the end product. It's really a gorgeous game with some great characters, a solid story, and a great world. Play it!

I started picking up Beatles albums after the 2009 reissues, and listening to an entire album of their work rather than individual songs gave me some real appreciation for the band that I didn't have before. It was great to hear their evolution as artists (Help through Revolver are probably my favorite album/era).