
And wasn't Blue Sky also behind those awful Seuss movies? That's what worried me the most about a big screen Peanuts film. Hopefully they're a little more careful with Schulz's legacy than with Dr. Seuss's.

Since the original series, the Muppets could be cruel to each other, and they had more adult themes. Hell, the original pilot was called The Muppet Show: Sex and Violence. I don't think the show has found its footing yet, but there are plenty of great jokes each episode. Given time, I think this new show could become

You don't have to tell me twice.

The heart wants what it wants.

This sounds more like a lazy SNL skit than it does real life. I'm starting to really feel some acute Cartesian anxiety right about now.

32 hours a week! For 2 to 5 year olds! I'm not a parent, so I'm going to just go ahead and brazenly claim that everyone who is a parent is terrible at parenting. Geez, people.

"Serious Michael Bay movie" just means there are fewer women contorting their bodies while straddling a motorcycle.

Yeah, Krasinski looks like too much of a goddamn Muppet to pull off the action hero.

These are mostly terrible, and you should be ashamed of yourselves. But I would love to see Iko Uwais with his own spy franchise.

I liked Skyfall a lot, even if it rehashed the whole we've captured the villain but this was all a part of his plan plot. The sequence in Shanghai is absolutely fantastic. This was where Mendes added a lot to the film. I loved the neon lights reflecting off surfaces and the silhouette fight. It's a strong movie.

So it's fair to say that Casino Royale remains Craig's best turn at Bond?

I guess this might be a good way to get people interested in listening to and maybe even reading great works of literature, but there's a big difference between a film actor and a voice actor. This excerpt gives me a much greater appreciation of voice actors.

Yeah, even Val Kilmer had the sense to stay away from Batman and Robin, and he's not exactly known for making great career decisions.

I've lived in Boston for the past eight years, and the stereotypical Boston you see in films really are just a couple of smaller communities. These days, even Somerville, which was heavily featured in Black Mass, has become hopelessly gentrified. Rising rents are likely decimating many of these local communities.

Every right-thinking Democrat has to distance him or herself from Moore, lest people think that we're too unruly. I mean, how can you go out into polite company after admitting to seeing a Michael Moore documentary.

There are rough moments in the first season. I put off seeing the entire series because I watched four episodes from the first season when the show was in repeats, and they all happened to be four of the worst episodes of the entire series. If you're a completist, then try to tough out the rough episodes. And if you

It doesn't bother me much that the Trek films have been action films. You need big spectacle to get people in the movie theaters, after all. But, yeah, television is really where Trek can be Trek. You can actually build worlds and deal with tricky moral questions that you can't do in a big budget film.

Yeah, they just sort of forget about the time traveling aliens, which, honestly, was a good idea. Season three is when things actually get good.

A show like Walking Dead wants to have it both ways. On the one hand, they want to shove their miserablist philosophy in your face, demanding that you take the show seriously as a meditation on life and death. But at the same time, they also want to portray the zombie apocalypse as a playhouse where people get to kill

After years of putting off Enterprise, I actually started watching the show about a year or so ago. I'm currently in the fourth season, and I have to admit that it was pretty good and probably should have lasted another three years. I mean, the first season was kind of dreadful, and the second was merely mediocre, but