
Well, this lawsuit pretty much derailed any plans I had for my The Smog screenplay, a movie about the ghosts of Chinese pirates who appear out of the industrial smog that covers a small fishing village. It would have done gangbusters in the Asian market, I tell you!

I actually liked that we got only a little bit of Darth Maul, kind of like how we barely get to know Boba Fett in the original trilogy. And the lightsaber fight at the end was one of the few strong moments in Episode I.

Star Wars and Raiders both took schlocky genre adventures and dressed them up as serious films (without totally losing some camp and humor). But it seems like the George Lucas of today wants to really just go back to those schlocky genre adventures.

When Connery dropped out, they really should have dropped the character altogether. We didn't need both Marion and Oxley in danger, especially since John Hurt was given very little to do. Mac was also unnecessary. By the end, his back and forth betrayals barely registered. I actually think there's a good film in

People aged faster back then. Besides, the guy has been gallivanting around the globe for decades, and I don't think he's wearing sunscreen the entire time, either.

I remember reading that Oxley was originally supposed to be Dr. Jones Sr., but Sean Connery didn't want to come out of retirement. This makes sense, because his character had absolutely nothing to do for most of the film.

I say that we give the old man one more chance. I actually didn't mind the 1950s setting as much as I thought I would. I also liked the first half of Crystal Skull (yes, even the nuking of the fridge).

Quit it with your reasonable assessment!

You're part of the problem!

Hey, now. Let's not blame the victim.

Look. I wasn't there, and I don't know this lady. But there's nothing you can say that will prevent me from judging her.

That's right! It was the maze that always got me.

A number of NES games had ambition but not the hardware or talent to really achieve what they set out to do. I remember playing some game based off of an anime I had never heard of before or since, and it's style of game play shifted drastically, but it was never clear what you were supposed to do at any given moment.


You didn't like Country Bear Jamboree either, AV Club. There's no pleasing you.

I remember many years ago when my mom and sister were channel surfing and happened upon a repeat of Amazing Stories (I think it was playing on Sci Fi at the time). It was the episode where the WWII gunner gets trapped on the underside of the plane. They were completely enthralled to the point where they sort of edged

Live by the Faygo, die by the Faygo.

And all this time I thought I genuinely liked his music.

Is it just me, or have AV Club complaints about the cave been increasing at an exponential rate. I can't wait until six months from now when the coverage is all Thor's cave all the time.

"if you can stand True Blood for 7 seasons you can live comfortably sitting through Hemlock Grove"