
“And how about Batman? Why isn’t he wearing red, white and blue body armor and have an American flag as a cape? Plus, you never, ever hear him singing the praises of American values or reciting the Pledge of Allegance! Damn Hollywood liberals and their American hating liberalism!”

I am surprised they didn’t complain about them pushing liberal agenda of Native American guy saying white people stole their freedom. Maybe that would have required watching the movie.

But maybe we finally get to find out how the Queen Alien got to become the Queen!

Fattest president since Taft? Fattest president since Taft.

Being forced to watch the White House orientation video must have been tough for him, since it doesn’t mention him. The part about sexual harassment in the workplace must have been uncomfortable.


Definitely your most intelligible post...ever.

Ha! Fixed, although wouldn't you be pretty tired, too, if your fingertips were slashed to bits?

FOUND WALDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really hope Apple's Iphone 6 has a feature that allows you to control your phone with your phone.

"biggest loads"

Those "two ours"... Was hours spelled without H because it is silent in Spanish, Jesus?

Well, you lose them when they are stolen, and you find them when you look into old digital wallets, which I assume is something like looking into old wallets in the real world.

Rough shift at Walmart ?

Because we are humans that care about others less fortunate than ourselves.

sure was! it's right there in the post!