rb1971 TaycanTurboS+Bronco+E9+Jolly+Ducati

HL3 confirmed...

You're exactly right. Exotics attract men and children. Men are always approaching me at gas stations. Kids love it and have no problem fully turning around with their mouths open when I pass by. Women don't care. I think a classic car would have a much better effect on the ladies. Now, combine classic AND

Let me see... I recently got myself a 2014 Mirage. Basic model, 5-speed manual, 74 bhp, 74 lb-ft, weighs less than a ton. I should be suffering, right?

As I said earlier, "House of Duty: Titancall".

I had no idea that "Twitter activists" exist. Is that like wasting your time on Twitter but feeling good about yourself by deluding yourself into thinking that your time wasting on Twitter is somehow making the world a better place?

Be careful, eating Irish babies can lead to gingervitis.

"Everyone in New Jersey wants to Leaf" would be the best tagline ever.

Jay Leno of course

This is especially true in cases of a terrorist attack. Like the Malaysia airlines might be. And like 9/11. If you don't joke about it and get scared and worry and sad. The terrorists win. Simple as that. If we use humor to cope, not only can you stay happy but the terrorist can't get people as afraid and they don't

Thank you google image search.

I didn't see the challenge yesterday so I can't complain BUT.

Zee color temperature of zee lights must be precisely 5100 degeres Kelvin. Zee table clothz must be of zee finest white linen. Zee edges must be square. Vee must play music; zis music must be hip unt cool. Zee hipness to cool ratio must be between 1.7:1. Also, zee Tvitter is imperative. Vee must recieve at least 32

Seriously, don't write sexist notes. Broads hate that.

The colors of the Cult edition will be Heaven's Gate Purple, Manson Black, Jonestown Red, and Wako Yellow

These things are notorious for blowing and/or dropping Seals.

Insert gated shifter here...

Nah, Thomas Newcomen is who really made Savery's reputation. Well, that and the Fire Engine Act, that made him the go-to guy for any steam engine for over 30 years due to his complete control of the patent rights. Denis Papin discovered the concepts that led to the modern steam engine (including the steam piston),

Sean Connery edition One-77