Goddamn that takes me back. Traveling in fucking luxury
BTW if the leftist media would not kill off all those medias who try to focus on real work, like trying to inform consumers about good and bad RVs then everyone would be better off. But instead we have total corruption of the media into a sellout “exposure for dollars” money making machine. They just want more money…
I don’t think he mentioned socialism as being a solution, but good on you to jump to conclusions.
Ffs, I knew some moron would see “capitalism” and think I was Karl Marx reincarnated.
I bet it’s tangential, but not a primary cause. The main cause is what makes most things go to shit in a capitalistic society - C-suite idiots chasing this quarter’s profits above every other concern. Cheaper materials used, cheaper labor sought, less attention paid not only to QC, but to the assembly process itself.…
making older RVs that have been sorted by the previous owner an OK option.
Alternative idea: don’t buy an RV. They’re just the absolute worst.
Lots of people jumping in here about affluenza or whiteness getting him off when it appears to be a matter of legality.
16: We need you to drive so you can work so we can get tax money
very annoying. we can trust you with a car at 16 but not a beer or a cigarette or a gun. at 18 you can go to war and carry a gun but can’t have a beer afterwards.
Yup. I hit the same trail every weekend. I can get almost 50 miles in with barely any contact with cars except parking lots and a few stop signs along the trail. Sure it’s not the most exciting ride after a year of this but after all the close calls I got during the pandemic (since apparently no one is paying…
Yeah I was going to write a comment how its not worth the dangers of riding on the road but these folks were training ironman so how else would they do it.
Tesla owns their chinese division 100%, a first for a foreign company in the country. that being said it would not surprise me if that chinese branch did this without consulting the US branch beforehand and we see a response from Tesla US soon.
Does Tesla have a different corporate structure/governance in China? I wish the article would go into more depth here. Because I know Tesla does some stupid shit, but I can’t imagine even Elon himself (obviously no stranger to Social Media Drama) would approve of this sort of tactic. Its insanely stupid, but likely…
Pretty sad day when the most valuable car company on the planet can't get away with fraud.