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    It would be the thought that counts.

    While I don’t necessarily thnk they are or are not corrupt - seeing as though there hasn’t been a through utilization of due process, it’s hard to swallow “innocent until proven guilty”. If the justice system isn’t exercised, of course we can’t ever get to “proven guilty”.

    Does she even deserve the reprieve?

    Why hasn’t anyone mailed me a puppy?

    Agreed. The closest Pokestop that I’ve found to me is 18 miles away. It’s taken forever for me to finally get a Vaporeon and now... this.

    This is frustrating to me. I understand why they did it, but working towards a certain roster and allocating limited resources towards that end only to have the rug pulled out from under me - and other players, seems like a good way to risk losing players. If we aren’t getting rewarded for our time invested and all of

    Well then! have a 1500 miles drive ahead of me beginning this Sunday. It appears I’ll be taking over some gyms along the way.

    Wait... there’s a coherent well structured narrative to this? I may have to play it - considering I’ve owned it for years. :/ I just haven’t had a decent enough block of time to justify another subscription.

    Excellent use of snoot. It made the comment.

    I would’ve been all over that had it not been curved. The curved tv trend seems a little odd to me.

    Manages to look neither like Snake nor Keifer Sutherland in the process.

    At least people can approach churches. I’m currently working across the street from a NASA facility and they seem to have all the pokemons. They aren’t sharing either. #trespassongovtproperty?

    This is your come to jesus moment.

    Time to sell some convincing counterfeits.

    Mine came with the Wildside jar and the Twister jar. The Wildside has been my go-to choice for 98% of all applications.

    Mine came with the Wildside jar and the Twister jar. The Wildside has been my go-to choice for 98% of all

    Love my BlendTec blender. Have been using one for the past three years. Would recommend it to anyone in the market.

    Love my BlendTec blender. Have been using one for the past three years. Would recommend it to anyone in the market.

    This is the internet. Beneath the posturing he was still making concessions. There’s always bait involved.

    He seemed to be pretty alright with folks deciding to live however they want to, but that he should be just as entitled to hold his beliefs as you are to yours. Whether or not he finds certain behavior disgusting shouldn’t make you so darn hostile towards him if he’s legitimately saying “you do you”.

    Whether or not a person is disgusting, doesn’t mean they can’t identify disgusting behaviours or are automatically disqualified from having informed opinions. You’re obviously writing that dude off simply because you have something against religious folk.