
@myrkron: See, I downloaded that a while ago, but am I right in thinking that there's no point-to-point directions in MapDroyd? Like, it's just your location on the map, no addresses, navigation, nothing?

This is a fun story, but the very fact that it's interesting made me realize that as a society there is a huge deficit between the things we use and our understanding of how they work.

Am I the only person on the internet who has not had problems understanding this? I feel like everybody is on crazy pills or something.

I never even knew there was a problem with Evernote on Android. It works great on my Droid.

MacFans: We want flash.

@madog: No way! My password is:

You know, I used to swear by this things, back when the plastic stylus would scratch into the graffiti box on my palm pilot. I kept using them on all my portable devices when a friend of mine said they're not really necessary anymore. I didn't believe him, but I ended up having to buy a backup phone for parts to fix

People who are complaining about this article don't understand how security works. The MOST secure encryption is an open source encryption. The standards are higher, because everyone sees how it works, and STILL have problems defeating it. You can't just keep it closed, cross your fingers, and then attempt to hush

I do this in chrome a lot by opening an incognito browser. CTRL+SHIFT+N. I use it a lot when check fake email addresses or profiles but don't want to log out of my normal email.

@Jeb_Hoge: But why not just rent DVD's? Or sell DVD's? Or sell disintegrating DVD's? #movies

There's just no market for this. The people who would be competent enough to use this are the same demographic that is likely to pirate the movie in the first place, and the ones that aren't might still prefer a DVD. So your demographic is composed of people who A) Would know how to use this B) Would prefer it as a

This is a cool idea, but it's been my experience that when you fall behind on your goals, you also fall behind on tracking your goals =/ #personaldevelopment

Is it dorky to be interested in whether or not this page will now have double the hits from people attempting the trick on this very page? #chrome

@dragonskin: Agreed. I wish someone would write a program that, say, overrides your vibrate mode and rings at full volume when you text message it a certain password. This would be awesome. Or even if it was some proprietary phone service that could only be activated from your carrier's website after you log in.

I think the discrepancy is that some of the first "antibacterial" solutions to come out were ineffective, and people automatically assumed later concoctions were the same, even though they used very different methods of sanitizing.

Not sure if I understand this product the right way, but does anyone know if there's a way to filter RSS feeds. For example, for Lifehacker, I don't have a Mac or Linux, so I don't need articles tagged with it to show up in my feed.

@lodleader: I'm assuming you missed the part that said, "Not so keen on using numbers to launch your applications? Not a problem—you can just as easily use words if you want."

I desperately need a good Clipboard manager, but none of them seem to play well with Excel and copying large, large sheets. I always hit memory problems.