
@Atsumi: Hmmm, maybe a giant dragonfly familiar would be great for you then. You'd just have to get used to the wind-blown hair look with that thing buzzing around your shoulders so much.

@Atsumi: Whoa, that is quite an investment. Although, providing enough mosquitoes to feed ginormo-dragonfly would probably be expensive, so either way...

@Atsumi: The bugs already look plenty big in the pictures you take, thank you very much. If you started taking macros of bugs that big, it would be instant nightmare fuel. :)

@pretsal: Are you kidding? The 16-bit graphics revolution is still a decade away.

@MrGOH: The nice thing is that most of the books don't happen in a particular order, and even the ones that technically happen after another are stand-alone entries in the series.

@ThisDudeRufus: It's part of their Offline Colonization effort, and I for one will not stand for this kind of jingoism.

Wait, didn't this already happen in that Hercules movie?

@Sarcasmancer: I'm Commander Shephard and this is my favorite comment in the Kotaku Citadel.

You didn't know it was going to be this violent? Good grief, the last clip we saw showed some guys lacerated face streaming blood all over the floor after Ellen Page assaulted him with a trophy.

I can't describe what a relief it was to have an episode where Chuck and Sarah don't have a tiff of some kind. I realize relationships have problems, but watching it every week was too much.

The backup dancers have better legs

This has to be the best Community episode since the paintball episode. Delightful.

@thermopyle: I agree on both counts. I was really looking forward to Newton being a recurring character and creating more problems for Fauxlivia. Alas, it's not meant to be.

I think it's safe to say this was the best episode of the season so far.

@Fauxcused: I'm sure they've already done a "full body makeup test" on Rosie with green paint. Bay wouldn't pass up an opportunity to do that kind of research.

@Rumtum: Historical inaccuracy. The ziptie wasn't actually invented until 2017. McFly brought it back from his adventures in BttF II and it caught on in the IT and, later, law enforcement communities.