no how could you
no how could you
I know! Dad is getting some serious air!
This makes absolute sense and my heart aches for this man. Having said that, that's a fucking amazing picture.
I’m crying like a JRPG fan on prom night
Making Surgery Great Again
If you’re anything like me and have been fiending for a new Phantasy Star since the Sega Genesis days
Someone on the internet typed 'Phantasy' and I was magically transported to this page.
There will also be a physical coming out from us! ;)
If you’re anything like me and have been fiending for a new Phantasy Star since the Sega Genesis days, allow me to…
A gorgeous remake of Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap has just been announced, and you can watch the whole trailer here. Gosh, it looks good.
Sega would be the perfect choice. They’ve practically mastered the rhythm genre at this point — every rhythm game they release is gold, and has been for decades now. The Space Channel 5 games are still among my favorites of all time, the Project Diva and Project Mirai games are outstanding, Rhythm Thief is great, and…
You are welcome to take your own advice and ignore me.
It is a comments section. The entire point is to react to the story. This was this person’s reaction and it is a perfectly valid one.
What’s your damage? People process grief in different ways. The Onion did this about 9/11 and a cake and I burst out crying when I saw it - a mix of humor, coping and sadness.
Says his divorce attorney Ronald Richards, “Him being violent is so uncharacteristic of the person I’ve known for many years.”The classic line of all friends, acquaintances and family of abusive people. FFS will someone just accept that you don’t know what is going on behind closed doors and that someone you may like…
Favourite games of mei*
Street Fighter cosplay is best when it goes beyond just looks.