So we’ve gone from I’m not going to give advance notice of any military action to I can release any intelligence photos because I can.
So we’ve gone from I’m not going to give advance notice of any military action to I can release any intelligence photos because I can.
Bet that Freedom and the Bill of Rights clothing is made in China. trump won’t exempt them from his tariffs as competition against ivanka Made in China crap would be un american.
Lower the price of cars....HAHAHA the only people who will believe that are his inbred base.
I like the industrial look some bars are going for I don’t like these industrial seats they give me to sit on. There is absolutely no way you can sit on these metal stands and enjoy a 2nd or 3rd beer and it’s even worse when the bar really cheaps out and get the metal stools with no backs....I just turn around and…
When the NRA disappears there will be plenty of other gun groups that will happily sign up those NRA members. The problem being, some of these gun groups are like the NRA others make the NRA look like a bunch of Hello Kitty panty wearing children they are way more militaristic and their numbers are growing. Be careful…
Just when I think he can’t go any lower, BAM, the commie cum dumpster finds a away.
So a Walmart in Texas has a shooter and there has not been a single report of a Texan with a Concealed carry or Open carry permit pulling out their weapon to protect those in Walmart. The only thing “big” in Texas is the fantasy Texas has about themselves.
I especially like the picture of the commie cum dumpster thumbs up while standing with the doctors and know the same medical professional the NRA told to stay in their own lane.
I don’t want to see trump arrested. I wanna watch fox news as hannity and trump watch as everyone in trumps direct family doing the perp walk into a Manhattan jail and listen to trump and hannity cry about how a ex president should be be able to pardon. other news Officer Charlie Rispoli has been rehired 6 weeks after he was fired
We should be thankful GM bean-counters and parts pin hunters have not found the parts bins belonging to the 1975 Pontiac Astra.
Funny how My Truck My Rules works for you but it does not work the women you don’t want to be alone with...You know My Body My Rules
Someone help me understand, if trump wants lower standards and the automakers and states want to keep moving towards stricter standards what’s trump going to do, tell the automakers they can’t sell their cars in the US until dummy the cars down or hold back whatever government money is given to the automakers?
Ivanka go home and peg your daddy
The C8 will replace the sunday morning Harley owners washing down their Flowmax pill and hitting the throttle every 20 seconds.
Bye Sarah, your grandfather, Joseph Goebbels would be proud.
...and today our fat fuck president aka 5 time draft dodger will represent the US in D-Day celebrations.
The 5 time draft dodger (in chief) spells like melania speaks.
Space pirates want our coal fired space force.
...and people thought the Acura beak was bad?