Old Sarah Goebbels spinning the truth like Joseph Goebbels could only dream of.
...and lets not forget anti-socialist Healthcare Rand Paul the cockroach who can afford healthcare in any state in the US went to Canada for his healthcare.
I’d expect nothing less from our dear leader the Commie cum dumpster in chief.
Our dear leader and his scientist are hard at work building a coal powered car.....comes with a free ton of coal every month.
Never ceases to amaze me the number of people that allow themselves to be used by trump. He never cared about the Warmbiers’ he saw them as propaganda to used and tossed out.
To the american sharia evangelicals it’s no longer about going to church to be saved NOW it’s about how to apply the hate they have highlighted (they always baby blue, yellow or pink highlighters) in their bibles and to make sure that hate it’s applied in their everyday lives.
Lies to the American public Monday thru Saturday goes to church on Sunday and LAaaaaaa God forgives Sarah Goebbels.....
Your client, the commie cum dumpster in chief is more than welcome to read and correct the Mueller Report from his cell in one of his for profit prisons.
In the 70's republicans that poor people were getting cable TV, the 80's it was VCR’s and movie rentals, 90's a satellite TV dish on the side of a house would set them off with if they get food stamps then they should not have...
Don’t worry boys we’ll have you home by Christmas. According to the latest military Intel provided by Fox News the hoards are coming...
Not a word from trump while we rebuild Florida, Texas, N. Carolina, S. Carolina but he’s frothing at the mouth over Puerto Rico and California. It has nothing to do with policy and everything to do with what his (all life is precious to us) cockroaches and cuntroaches want him to do.
Yup I had a 19% interest on on Honda my friend was in tears (happy) because they qualified for a home loan at 10%.
Well you don’t see that everyday, toilet paper boarding AF1 with a piece of shit stuck to it.
We have 2 of these. Both replaced intersections that were an absolute cluster. Traffic moves well with left turns being much easier and safer now that we no longer crawl out into the intersection waiting to make lefts on greens. People picked up on how to move through the intersection fairly quickly. The worst part…
The last time I watched a F1 race on ESPN the guy announcing the race litterly said the red car just past the white car, he didn’t even know who was racing.
I had 1999 BMW M Roadster, 6 am Sunday and my son and I was going to spend a few hours in the mountians. While at a stop light a diesel pickup pulls up, it start scooting forward then he rolling coaled us.
I wonder what the record will be from the time of delivery to time wrapped around a tree...I say mere minutes.