It’s going to be a Netflix original. I have been very impressed with their original works so far. I’m looking forward to it and id say its in good hands.
It’s going to be a Netflix original. I have been very impressed with their original works so far. I’m looking forward to it and id say its in good hands.
one thing i can say about Tsutomu Nihei, is that he actually finishes the work he starts. The fact that this will be a Netflix Original gives me high hope. I have been very impressed with there work so far.
and a very poor defense at that.
Everyone should jump on facebook and mass message those people with questions. lol
I live in Ohio. I don’t want to talk about it...
given his past. I believe he was trying to subtly flirt with May.
you just said something very scary for a workplace. “Common Sense”
Just joined their Facebook page. Let’s do this.
I know one for sure way to deal with Trump. but sadly i doubt anyone is up to the task.
I highly doubt he will be out before his 4 years is up. This country does a horrible job of enacting/enforcing punishment to people with power/money. I don’t see him being impeached and even if he is, given his personality i don’t see him leaving unless its in literal chains. which again i sadly don’t see happening…
I live in the US, and speak only English. I would really like to learn to play. would you recommend getting a traditional Chinese set or an American Mahjong set?
I have always wanted to learn how to play Mahjong but i wouldn’t have anyone to play with.
what’s up with the huge monitors?
anyone read the Disclaimer at the bottom of the page?
This seasons anime seems like complete crap. I have only found a couple shows to watch so far. rather disappointed by all the recycled garbage.
lol. I love the ugly picture you chose for Kim.
lol makes me laugh. seemed to be a ridiculous concept anyways. But i’m rather biased against Razer. I wont buy Razer anything after having their products consecutively fail on me.
well that sucks. I loved the concept of this game. Damn i was looking forward to this game. I mean, who wouldn’t want to be a dragon rider?
I love the idea of Elite Dangerous, I even own the game. But its just way to slow of a game for me to waste my already precious time on.
just to never get to the point where you can travel to the aliens, then not see them again for another couple years. lol