
until the day it sinks in the sea.

I have always loved FF14 and this is just another great example of why.

15 hours in. so far the boy band look stays.

Making a movie with the characters as children would be a horrible idea.

I’m trilled to see Atlus branching back out again. I loved there PS1 and PS2 games. I have picked up Persona titles but always got bored with them, not that they are bad games mind you. They just didn’t peak my interest. crap i have a sweet game sitting in my basement lol to this day it makes me laugh, cant think of

If Hillary hadn’t been the candidate...

As does Arc The Lad.

They want it moving 2 years from now when they haven’t even started work.... Lots of arm flapping is all i see in its future.

I think they have said, they are willing to accept 15/h

It takes far to long to get anything done in Eve online, which makes me sad because i would love to play the game. It’s just soooo boring.

chemicals were used in WWII, hell they were used earlier this year on a hospital.

Can’t say i know of any torpedo that is a match for something that can fly.

you’re going to spend all that money building an ATT just to blow it up?

I have to wonder how you make it out your front door.

The next Indiana Jones movie?

I remember watching the 98 Godzilla movie as a kid and loved it. A couple years ago i went back and re-watched it. My childhood mind made the 98 movie into something god like, it was anything but. If you haven’t seen the 98 film in a few years, i suggest going back and taking a second look.

I have heard from a few Resistance (blue team) Ingress players. That they decided to stay blue when going to POGO.

so if you gave the permissions on an Android phone, how do you take them away?

are you talking about his manga called Pieces? i think that’s what its called, could just be an art book... what one are you referring to?