
I’m confused. Was the movie Warcraft made by china? i know it was popular in china but i don’t see why that alone would get people to learn Chinese as a posed to English.

GPU failure on thousands of systems and a nice big RED ring. our present to you. :)

interestingly enough. I cant even find this on steam. could it have been taken down already?

Fat adults make Fat kids. Obesity in children should be considered child abuse. But then you have to get into the fact that food companies purposely engineer there food to be addictive, coupled with poor food knowledge on the parents side. It just makes for an all around bad situation. Hence the situation you see

That engine is fucking huge.

what do you mean by some, and what do you mean by legal? last i heard Dieselgate was pretty fucking illegal. companies will do anything they think they can get away with. To make maters worse, if they can save more money by doing something illegal even if they get a fine, then they will go right ahead and do just

the more popular a show is the more hate it will generate. If 1000 individuals watched a show, it’s obviously going to get more bad reviews then say a show with only 100 view. That’s Percentages.

Is it so bad that i would rather watch this then the real thing?

I hope they upgraded there servers. otherwise you would never be able to see that explosion in real time.

I want to know what happened to the 18 year old.

that’s what AI is for.

He has salad finger arms....

I just hope we have a horrible english voice over. :)

even though I fully agree that body muscle would break down. the zombies in the comic and show are able to rip peoples bodies apart.

So basically a nerd trying to act jock cool, and totally failing in the best nerd way possible. sounds perfect.

Someone’s in denial...

as one who mains a Healer, i feel sooo bad for Tenbe. that was some horrible tanking.

Every thing on the right hand size is blown up. you can re-size just about every aspect of the UI in ff14 according to your liking and screen size.

80's reference ception

This made me realize just how bad J walking will become after cars go full auto.