
I would go to a convention and just stand in one spot and wait for someone to take a selfy.

Hillary should never be apart of anyone's fantasy.

He probably had his sack tapped to his ars. and he would have taken most of the hit on his upper thighs.

gotta love the Beetle Juice Theme Song

still, nothing beats a broadside from a Battleship.

you must have mistaken hardware for software. I don’t believe apple has started to produce there own HDD, CPU's, RAM, GPU's or other such hardware.

well lucky for you. SillyMe8 didn’t say that one or the other was worse. that was you who brought that to the table. SillyMe8 said that’s its Gross and unnecessary for both genders, completely true.

that’s just because when get grows he’s really becoming TURN A Gundam

but this isn’t just “someone” these are trained professionals. (my ass) with multiple none lethal tools on there own body to subdue a target. which I might add they are the ones who entered his h0use.

well if I chose that for my occupation then I would have no problem going into such a situation. I would have the physical and mental training plus multiple NONE lethal tools at my disposal. And in reference to this particular case I would not be alone but have backup on scene with the same training and tools on hand

if only the US could wake up to the reality of the situation. but no every argument gets the same answer, "removing guns wont stop criminals from getting them..." Duh that's why they are criminals. But it would stop a mental case whose having a bad day and decides hes going to go out, buy a gun and walk into a school

or maybe knock on the door and try to open up communication before just barging in?

cops also have multiple tools on there body to subdue a target that are none lethal. A gun should not be the first response from multiple officers against a person who looks to weigh no more than 150 lb.

not that I recall.

So yeah, a glorified character unlock code. got it. thanks.

That sounds like a horrible waste of time.

can someone tell me the appeal for these? if I'm understanding correctly. They are basically like a character unlock code, but you get a figure to keep??

Those infinite arrow spawning crossbows though....

is it recommended to play the first one before playing the second? like are the stories intertwined?

Its that broadside ever body loves.