I almost always default to the natural voice cast, as long as the track is available. I also always have subtitles on because seriously my four month old likes to "talk" to her toys. And by talk to I mean scream at.
I almost always default to the natural voice cast, as long as the track is available. I also always have subtitles on because seriously my four month old likes to "talk" to her toys. And by talk to I mean scream at.
Considering its all made up and primarily designed for audience intake through the eyes: Rule of Cool has it. It looks awesome, and that is reason enough.
DragonBall Xenoverse, Helldivers (which is fucking incredible), DMC Definitive, Final Fantasy Type Zero HD, and my most anticipated game of the generation so far: Bloodbourne.
This is awesome news. I hope its a quick turnaround, this game looks awesome.
Finished The Golem and the Jini by Helene Wecker early this month. Not bad, bit bogged down by minutae though.
Honestly, its probably a quick way for Nordic to get some money off the IP and judge interest in a third game. Kinda makes sense. I'll buy it again, I really enjoyed the game and would love to see a third.
That movie is phenomenal, but the knife fight is so much better than that final showdown. Its nasty and brutal as all hell.
I've been gaming since I was very young and my parents never had to tell me more than once to turn it off. Even back in the checkpoint/save point days. I turned off the TV with the game paused, and did what I had to do. As I got older, I was able to explain to them "hey I'm really sorry but I cannot save right now and…
goddamnit. If that twitter update is true, fuck this news. Spiderman is a dull as shit character and I would much rather see Captain Marvel in 2017 than ANOTHER Spiderman.
Continuing Dying Light and Citizens of Earth. Probably starting Grim Fandango Remastered, RE Remaster HD, and Apotheon, and picking up Evolve and The Order. And I want to finish at least the retail games by March, cause holy hell there's a lot in March.
Holy fuck please yes!
Damnit Capcom. My favorite new IP from last gen and you don't plan to bring it West?! Dicks. The lot of you.
Whelp, here I thought there weren't any LEGO games this year. So buying these.
I don't see this as GG anymore. Its just fucking disgusting. Seriously, if these pathetic internet dwellers are what a "Gamer" is now, fucking burn the industry to the ground and piss on the ashes.
Almost certainly buying Ori. SoD was awesome, but I'm not paying another 30 for it. I'll wait till a sale or something. Same with Screamride, particularly without a demo.
These people are pathetic. Apprently they have nothing better to do than cause people undue stress. Can you imagine the amount of kids screaming their new consoles dont work right?
Just release it digital only with English subtitles if nothing else. Please. I really want to play this.
I'm really hoping they keep the audio ques limited from the controller. My wife typically enjoys watching me play through the more in depth, full of story games, and I'd hate to have to pause to relay what the controller just said everytime.
The Legacy of Kain Series as a whole.
Holy shit. Bra-fucking-o man. Best summary of this whole bullshit "movememt" I've seen yet.