
Yennefer isnt evil. Shes more tempetuous than Triss, but shes also less grounded in the "normal". Yennefer acting in a fashion construed as evil is most likely a result of her being a part of the Wild Hunt. The Wild Hunt takes prey and entices predators. Yennefer and Geralt were, if i remember, somewhere between

Would have bought a copy immediately if they released it on next gen. Their "install base too small" excuse line is bullshit.

Holy shit. I never saw this. And I played PSO so damn much I still dream about it.

Ive sunk hundreds of hours into Diablo 3 and never felt bored of the maps. Or of repeating the quests because that game handles loot well. There's always a shiney ahead of you.

No, I'm stating my issues with a game I was genuinely enjoying before I hit the soft limit of 20 and hit progression block after profession block because of poor design/poorly communicated stipulations. I quite enjoy the minute to minute gameplay, and would love to play the higher level content, but I have no desire

No, this is a game that rewards playing it in exactly the way Bungie wants you to, which is not MMO based. They want you to play Crucible ad nauseum, then grind the same 10 or so bounties and strikes for shit payout to hit an arbitrary cap of 100 marks a week. Why the cap? Because the game is not tuned for the kind of

Unless the server won't let you finish an event. Which I couldn't for the majority of the past week. Also, I despise PvP in pretty much all forms, so playing Crucible for any reason is tedious beyond belief for me. To the point where I can barely finish a full match because it just does not appeal to me.

I couldn't complete a single Strike paying out Vanguard marks due to constant disconnects. The whole system is broken, regardless of what their intent is, be in vendors or random loot. HOwever, your argument doesn't take into account that MMOs have quite frequently had vendors and reputation grinds that gave great

While good to see a bunch of new stuff: this is too little too late for me. I had been enjoying myself, but then got stuck at 20 running strike after strike and getting bullshit drops. So instead I dropped the game from my system. Maybe I'll try it again later when they have markedly improved the loot game, but since

Quite frankly, I'm getting ready to just toss the game aside and not touch it again until after the expansions are out, if then. The level up system and loot requires are bullshit, honestly

If they are going to continue with a loot driven game: fix the stupid loot system before fixing the only way people have found to actually enjoy the high level content your stupid gear based level system locks them out of.

Isnt Bloodbourne only hitting in Japan in Feb? So unless they launch it globally, its likely to have at least a month delay to get here. I think amazon has it listed in March.

I have an issue with this. I loved Monsters, it was a beautiful film and in no way did it make it seem like the aliens were aggressive, violent beings any more so than a jaguar is when its territory is invaded. The balance of the world seemed very much, "Hey, these things are here, we can't stop them from being here,

I am with you on this. I bought myself a 3DSXL and the wife a 2DS when Pokemon came out last year. We've since resold the 2DS, but I am not in the market for a new Nintendo handheld. I would buy this game in a heartbeat, but not with a new console that has a bunch of extra stuff shoved in.

Which is basically what I was saying the entire time. Until the clearing up from Spencer, there were multiple possibilities. I was suggesting different possibilities, but the reality was always the most probable and most likely. Its far from the first time a game has time exclusivity, and all it really means is that

I was largely using Bayonetta as a recent example of this. Dead Rising 3 may have been better for the example, developed in house by Capcom, published by MS. It is still possible MS is publishing RotTR, and I would say that will probably determine how it plays out. SE published, probably timed console exclusive. MS

I don't want demos, just a release date, or a general target, like summer of next year or something beyond just silence and the occasional new screen or trailer.

And this has no effect on those memories. They exist, and cannot be changed. I have been a fan of Tomb Raider since the first game released, but it remains a game no more no less. If you have a PC, you can play it still. If not, then I feel for your choice here, but it remains a game that has been affected by business

My only complaint with these montages: they show cool stuff that then goes entirely radio silent and when it is finally mentioned again it is no closer to release. Looking at you Below...

I agree, until the publisher is announced, the most logical assumption is that SE is publishing and MS just financed. But if you look back at sales amounts of the Tomb Raider reboot, SE constantly labeled it as underperforming. So, it getting a sequel or sales of the size SE wanted, was not a given.