
Ah. Bingo. & thx.

Didn't buy that whole "fascist rabbits" premise. Lost on me.

I'm scouting about to see if there are any followup articles about this moral/ethics angle. If anyone finds something out, REPLY this!

Nathan's last show of the season ("The Hero") was a clear case of going out with a bang. Frankly, I think he's a genius, and has managed to attract and retain a genius team to make his little dreams come to rampaging life. Shows like this give me hope for the medium.

Why do I think this "leak" is a hoax? Oh, yeah: 'Cause Roiland likes to break the rules!

Don't recall. Can you point me to a Youtube clip?

My fave biting satiric jab at the Acadamy; Jon Stewart, hosting the awards, touching on some humanitarian work the Acadamy had done, then saying, "So I thought it would be nice to take a break from handing each other golden statues, to pat ourselves on the back."

What's interesting are lots of the old tin-pan-alley stuff with lacklustre lyrics. "Sentimental Journey", "Do Nothing 'Til You Hear from Me", "Lullaby of the Leaves", and tons more. Fantastic melody/accompaniment work, unfortunately yoked to 2nd-rate (or worse) lyrics.

Howzabout: "The Bride Stripped Bare (By The Bachelors)" by The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band; starkly autobiographical and totally hilarious! From the album "Keynsham".

Hey! It was a video! Why didn't they show the model walking around? The "video" closes with static front shots. I suspect that the illusion was broken with even the slightest angle shot. It reminds me of when my brother brought back a figurine from Disneyworld: It was Goofy in a cartoon car, about 3 inches long, with