Well I see the problem already, your connectings rod’s ain’t connected to anything!
Well I see the problem already, your connectings rod’s ain’t connected to anything!
You have to scrape away the old foam from the headliner board because it’s the foam that toasts, crumbles and separates, not the adhesive.
The cost of games has risen, sure. But the amount of games sold has risen even more dramatically. These games are still fantastically profitable at the price point. Back in 1980, if you sold a hundred thousand of these, you were a superstar. AAA games regularly sell millions of copies. So no. Lootboxes are not…
So this woman Jan Shedd tries to body-shame another woman, and your response is turn around and body-shame her? That makes you just as bad. Do you really not see the hypocrisy?
As someone that grew up playing lots of sports, I do think that they give kids an easy way to interact because it brings a group of kids together that might not otherwise meet and gives them a platform to talk about something that might interest them. That being said, the same goes for other non-sport activities as…
Almost like how every single automotive OEM rolls out a new product line. Who could have possibly guessed that method works better than selling PPVs to your own employees and setting impossible production targets??
The refineries needed to convert the oil to gas? I don’t have to see that.
Oh fuck off. You get in someone else’s supercar, you hit the gas, the tires aren’t “performing at the level they should be”? If you decide to double the speed limit on a public street in a vehicle that you are not personally 100% certain of, it’s on you, bro.
If you’re looking for jump-scares, It Follows is not the movie for you. I thought it was excellent at establishing creeping dread and paranoia.
Amen. I mean, if she’d said “I met him and he was a racist dick to me”, I 100% believe her there. But taking the words she typed as the exact words he said? Nah. Most people can’t give the exact words of something said to them 10 minutes ago.
Based upon the privately contracted security guards I’ve personally seen, privately contracted security guards having sex IS NOT a porno I want to see.
Atari still exists as a brand. It’s been sold over the years to various game developers. Currently the french gaming company Infogames owns it. Games still come out under the Atari Logo. The name has enough value that it will never die. If infogames were to go under the name would certainly be on the auction block for…
Yeah but on the flip side, this is Jalopnik. Any time there are politics involved, rights of opinion/speech only apply to 1 side of the argument. Everyone else is racist / bigot / supremacist / bad because they share the other opinion.
I think the hard and fast rule would be that they have to already be committed to an arrest. Observation = No. Arrest = yes. Any case involving a genuine police chase has escalated to the point of cause for arrest so I think that works as marking point.
I agree with you - the govt is trying to do a lot right now, but are very much limited by how much the island can take in through the damaged ports and airports. The communication is still a huge struggle as well. My wife has a fair amount of family in the Rincon area - they havent had running water since before Irma,…
ELL. OH. ELL. Tired already? Try finding a news article about the state of anything in Puerto Rico right now. I challenge you. You’ll find 17,000 (give or take) spin pieces that reinforce your “NOBODY’S HELPING” bullshit and very little objective fact.
Holy shit! You HONESTLY, truly believe there aren’t tens of thousands of government personnel on the ground, right now, in Puerto Rico? Where do you even come up with this? Are you trolling?
because people know blizzard is going to keep releasing free content and improvements. the difference is EA is a shit company known for shitty business practices.
The problem is with the current rate changes, that 3hr job taking 4 is becoming far more common than the other way around.