Toyota - Stop being boring.
Toyota - Stop being boring.
Got any idea how much habitat in Africa only exists because of trophy hunting?
Actually yes, barring escape clauses in the contracts Tesla is legally required to complete the work that the company it bought was contracted to do. Just because you buy a company does not mean that the contracts that existed beforehand cease to exist.
This is more like finding out your new wife has $200,000 in student debt, and you’re now also culpable for it.
It does spades. Everyone should strive for excellence, that’s not a “white” value it’s a human value. Speaking properly without give-away intonations, expressions and speech patterns which allow people to automatically discriminate against you before they even see you is important. It will certainly get you…
Kettle, meet pot.
The fact that Trump got elected should show that you should care more about these “flyover” states. It’s attitudes like yours that get people like Trump elected.
It feels like you didn’t read literally two sentences later:
Would be a cool find at half the price. At 11,500, I can buy something much newer and without any of the potential time bombs associated with any 27 year old car.
A Grand Cherokee with a Hellcat engine?
Because millions of girls (okay, me) saw the Renegade and said “Aw, that’s kinda cute.” Then they looked that the MPG on the sticker and said “C’MON, JEEP! It’s the tiniest damned thing ever and THE MILEAGE IS STILL HORRIBLE?!”
Weight and cost. Removing seats took $0 in develoment for a decent weight savings.
Full disclosure: I’m a liberal gun-owner who hates the NRA.
But...aren’t they though? I mean, people that are legally entering the country are waiting in Mexico while their paperwork clears while illegal immigrants are coming in whenever they want and looking for jobs and housing first right?
As a retired vet, I gotta say I’m completely shocked that someone with a felony conviction on record for dealing coke could have enlisted in 2011. I personally know someone who was discharged (Army) for smoking weed (general discharge, no convictions) and has been prevented from reenlisting since 2012.
I mean, that depends on you and what you like in the bedroom. I know women whose panties would’ve been flooded after reading that. I also know women that would never talk to him again after reading that. He should’ve figured that out before going there. The fact that he didn’t is a little concerning. Follow your…
You’re so full of shit. The lane WASN’T clear, and it didn’t “look” clear. there were 2 vehicles coming up in that lane and the car pulled out in front of both of them. And no one was speeding, so quit saying the motorcycle was at fault when the car was clearly initiated the accident
Pulling out in front of people like that isn’t making a legitimate lane change though. Even if the bike wasn’t there, the vehicle with the camera would have had to take evasive action in order not to hit them.
@LaComtesse: But this doesn't even have to be cynicism. Many people who advocate for alternative medicine have convinced themselves that doctors don't care about their patients. Hold them in active disdain, even. In their minds, doctors are greedy butchers and whores who poison our children and carve up our bodies…
Please, let's not call this "rape." I'm sure that birth can sometimes be traumatic, but calling it "rape" does a real disservice to survivors.