
I can tell you historically, women don’t pay more in NJ. If they do now it’s a change of status form the past. I can dig up articles as recently as 2010 where literally the only state women paid more in was Iowa with women paying $11 more. The for men the premium ranged from $8 in Montana to $126 in Wyoming.

For $11 more you can get one that won’t be a giant pain in the butt to use. 

For $11 more you can get one that won’t be a giant pain in the butt to use. 

My take is either it’s stupid click bait designed to make you argue with the author who won’t bother reading said arguments, or it’s time for Sean to get a new job because the pivot to having to binge watch an entire season in stead of an hour of a series to review it is rapidly melting his brain and making him hate

Uhm no. They used put in two sensors because aircrafts demand redundancy. Then they ignored this fact they themselves have been building into planes forever now, and ignored one of the sensors creating a single point of failure.. which has..

Your local gaming store is beholden to the trolls who drop $10k on collectible game to pay to be able to dominate gameplay. They pay the bills. 

I haven’t been into MTG for quite some time, but even back then and as a white guy, even the local tournaments and competitive events were a shrine to dysfunctional man-children. You would think for people who had experienced a lot of being socially shat upon in school and such, they’d have some sense of not doing it

Dude. quit knee jerking. I don’t disagree with you that it was just the Jews at fault. You asked why it is seen as anti-semitic. I gave you the answer. The argument is essentially that if you depict that scene as it is in the bible, it’s anti-semitic. The various arguments being that as the bible was designed by

I think this critique misses some of the stupidity.

It’s the Pontius Pilate scene where he asks the Jewish crowd who should be spared.

I’ll take your version. The “hand in front of sensor” version requires us to ignore that the hand went there to stabilize the guy with the flag AFTER the car was lurching forward. the hand went there because it was stopping, not the other way around.

Something is up with store bought mayo. I’ve mostly used store bought for my entire life, and have made my own just for the heck of it.

Dear god, you know jack shit about which you rant.

Or, like I said, they consider him a flight risk and sought bond, which was one of the options I presented.

I know you are being full time outraged and all, but my argument is that he likely won’t be arrested unless they think he is a flight risk. Because for something like this, even for non-famous people, you wouldn’t get arrested unless you looked like a flight risk. It’s the kind of thing where you do the court thing

Why arrest him? This is a high profile case of a recognizable individual. Even if guilty it will probably be plead to essentially nothing as paying someone to rough you up a bit isn’t really a significant crime. the bigger end of things there are the charges associated with wasting the police’s time and resources. Ther

$215 million wouldn’t even be rounding error on the financial hole that looms for mass transit in NYC. Construction there is unfathomably expensive. The bigger problem with the MTA isn’t that things are crumbling (which is a HUGE problem), but that they are at.beyond capacity in a city where you can’t expand without

The company is full of products that are at the tail end of their lifecycle/popularity. People are going to get laid off. It sucks, but especially in the world of video games it is pretty normal. You get into the job knowing that’s how the cycle works.

Perhaps you are reading too much into it. Just because a relationship has been going on for a while doesn’t mean you owe anyone jack shit. It also doesn’t mean the other person owes YOU jack shit.

First, your FAQ link goes to the actual resolution, not the FAQ.

My little jeep renegade fits in the compact spaces just fine. SO do honda fits and a number of other hatchy vehicles.