Dirt on bigger fish is a plausible explanation but not the only one. It is possible singer is just better at spotting those who are more easily exploited and less likely to be believed/more plausible to be denied.
Dirt on bigger fish is a plausible explanation but not the only one. It is possible singer is just better at spotting those who are more easily exploited and less likely to be believed/more plausible to be denied.
There’s two kinds of poop anxiety. Travel poop anxiety and poop anxiety due to the proximity of others. LOTS of people get bunged up when they travel to a new unfamiliar place. For most people it fades after a few days. Seriously push the boundaries of “normal” and it can get bad. Like if you know anyone running a…
You left off the ED meds and the ubiquitous non prescription boner pills. There are at least three online business that started up in the last six months that cater to questionable generic viagra scrips, similar dodgy scrips for baldness cures, anti aging stuff for men, and supplements.
Nah they aren’t forgetting. The reality is tht for a 4-banger to move a fulll size truck at 75, it’s probably generating boost ALL the time. Heck, just sizing for tolerable turbo lag, lots of turbos on small cars will be on boost slightly at 75mph in much sleeker vehicles.
Man, I kind of hate modern monetary theory, and those who bring it up as a solution to our problems. Such a notion implies that we HAVEN’T already gone down the road of assuming governments can print up whatever money they like without going bankrupt. All the “good” parts of MMT are already in place and haven’t fixed…
I’ve seen one. You notice it, that’s for sure. I can’t say the same for the miata.
FYI, if you have been eying these and have read reviews where you can either have wired backhaul OR guest networks but not both, that is in theory fixed now. I’m still working on designing and installing my wired network so can’t verify yet.
FYI, if you have been eying these and have read reviews where you can either have wired backhaul OR guest networks…
I went back and read it that way, and my conclusion is yes.. it should.
Suggestive? Looks to me like it took a trip to the dentist and has the tray from a flouride treatment jammed in it’s mouth.
Take your hate star. I’ll give you another if you manage to figuroue out how to work NIC card in there.
I was never going to buy one, but my first reaction is it’s kind of fugly. My second reaction is that without being told that was the supra, I’d think it was the redesign of the FRS/GT-86 I’m seeing. To the best of my knowledge, that’s not a good message to the intended buyers.
Seems to beat the hell out of early, mid, and possibly late stage communism. Unless the fact you get screwed by emerging oligarchy in both means “end stage” could be the same. Most of the pro communist types tend to not want to take responsibility for the dead bodies at the start or the oligarchs you got under worse…
It shouldn’t. I checked my data, and none of it is OS related. It’s got a couple hits form one drive, but that’s because I use one drive. It’s got a couple of search engine hits form when I signed up for the free points for using bing thing, but it keeps on signing me out of it anyway, so like.. 4 whole search terms…
10 years ago? The indsustry moved away from the DOT integrated bulbs (ie.e round and rectangle bulbs) to aero housings with the halogen bulbs most use today back in the 90s. 10 years ago is where the HID thing really started to take off.
Or if doing the mid air off the cliff explosion, the giant fire ball covers the fact nobody is in it.
Wanksta.. you know those people bitching about losing pairing between each ear piece of true wireless cans? Same thing means that the the guy at the far end of the train car from you likely wins the who’s signal is stronger contest for his phone.
Yes, advances in technology should increase utility, not limit it. However, you will have to demonstrate any justification for wired headphones never being matched for the rest of human existence. It’s a pretty bold claim that is shaky even today. I’d bet you the VAST majority of people would fail an ABX test with…
He’s implying that he must swap his dear cans between all his listening devices that do have a 3.5mm jack and thus can’t possibly keep track of it. Which is bullshit.
Get good earbuds that have MMCX connectors, and then get a bluetooth cable that is compatible with MMCX connectors. preferably bluetooth 5.0, and preferably supporting aptxHD along with your phone if you are on android.
My wife has a 2011 soul. Nothing but the regular scheduled maintenance and consumables like tires and brakes at about 11k miles per year.