The F-35C and F-35B are basically two different jets. The problem is with the F-35C which does not affect the carrier you mentioned.
The F-35C and F-35B are basically two different jets. The problem is with the F-35C which does not affect the carrier you mentioned.
We didn’t.
The F-22 doesn’t do the same job the F-35 does.
All the most successful fighter planes in history were jack of all trades. The least successful have been the master of one. Please, learn some history as to why the JSF was developed in the first place.
Looks like a wagon Aurora.
Yeah fuck an all time low in automobile related deaths. Let’s go back to the good old days of unsafe vehicles!
What shit stain of a city/state is this? I’m sorry but if this was Seattle even the comcast idiots would at least acknowledge that there is a serious issue.
You can’t just keep using the same platforms for 100 years. Your innovation goes to zero if you do that.
I think 30+ years in between new designs isn’t a stretch.
Not really. Most new classes of ships have these types of problems. We just haven’t had a new class of destroyer in 30+ years.
3, unfortunately.
That’s not how these things work. You keep building and make adjustments, if you freeze construction it only costs you more money in the long run.
It’s a brand new class of warship. It’s going to have growing pains.
Trump keeping his campaign promise of keeping illegal immigrants and their anchor babies away from DC! MAGA!
It’s called banter. Get the stick out of your ass and grow a funny bone.
So budget deficits are bad only if there is a democrat in the white house? Got it.
Did they keep these quite because they might violate android patents, because they are exactly like features android has had for years.....
It was inconsistent garbage before 911. However you can get tsa precheck if you want to get that pre-911 experience.
After seeing what China did from 1949 until now, they didn’t kill enough of them.
Oh good another anti-airport security circle jerk.
When is the last time a US airforce jet was hit by a manpad? Don’t they intentionally never fly in range of the things? So isn’t your post a bit fucking stupid?