nope disagree. Don’t be lazy ladies. Makeup does help.
nope disagree. Don’t be lazy ladies. Makeup does help.
Hi Nick. What’s to stop people from dropping rare pokemon near registered sex offenders and in very dangerous neighborhoods?
They use wrist bands at disneyworld.
How many people are buying pickup trucks actually haul shit around to job sites? 10 percent? Less?
You claim this is a porche, but the engine is clearly in the front.
lol realism? Then why the fuck is there more than one red fokker dr1?
It cost way more than the F-35. So why bother?
Right, go ahead and buy the non-NG gripen. It doesn’t even have AESA.
Not with a full load out. People forget the max speed of a F-35A is with a full load of fuel and ordinance, while an F-16 or Gripen with the same loadout will be limited to subsonic speeds.
lol the Gripen NG costs more per unit than the F-35A. That’s absurdly dumb.
Yeah, I’d gladly pay an extra 10 bucks to guarantee a window or aisle.
This is a nonsense post. The SU-34 has significantly less air to ground capabilities than the F-35. Also, maneuverability literally doesn’t matter in 2016.
The only way this would be better is if the catwalk was somehow involved in the play as well.
Once he signed the deal it was understood that he would be out of the line up sometime in 2016 and out of baseball by 2018. Right? I mean, the dude didn’t stay with the Giants because they required him to go on diets while the Red Sox “respected” him, dude was going to flame out, all the signs were/are there.
It’s amazing to listen to arm chair generals like yourself and John McCain defend that pet pork project from retirement. It can’t even fly in airspace that isn’t 100 percent controlled. It’s a garbage plane, and it’s not even deployed anymore. It’s for air shows to make people like you feel good.
Gun runs are pointless, there’s a reason the F-16, drones and B-1 have taken over all the jobs the A-10 used to do.
You’re literally garbage. LIke your opinions.
What? All Syria has proven is that Russia can still drop dumb bombs, and that their old soviet shit still works. Not much works, but some of it still works.
How will it defeat the #1 enemy of the Russian Navy? Regular Maintenance.
The F22 was cancelled because it was designed to fight an enemy that didn’t exist anymore. It’s replacement is next in the pipeline.