
What mission? Even the air force doesn’t want it anymore. It’s a money drainer that sen mccain wants to keep around and autistics that love it at air shows.

Either way, the Chinese are not capable of creation, at least not their current culture.

The A-10 isn’t even as good as an F-16 in CAS operations. So you can stop that argument right there.

2) I would be assuming correctly. Russia and China can’t even make microprocessors or jet engines as capable as ones we developed in the 1980s.

1) Nope. It already isn’t. Please research the AIM-9x, in the near future Point Defense Lasers will make WVR even more worthless

Sure, but now you are weighing down an already weighed down outdated air frame.

Please name one major new airframe development that was on time. Private or public contract.

Um. Well you are wrong. Next time provide stats when you call someone a liar.

“The F-35’s current flyaway cost is in “roughly the same class as the Typhoon Eurofighter — around $90 million — and Boeing F-15,” Aboulafia said.”

Software gets fixed, that isn’t an issue. Plus guns are literally almost worthless in air to air combat. If you need to use a gun in an F-22 or F-35 you already fucked up real bad.

What is this rant?

The 1.5 trillion covers operational costs. That’s been accounted for.

Yeah, that really didn’t happen the way they claimed it did.

The fly away cost for the f-35 is under 90 million in it’s next block. I would say your entire argument is done.

The F-35 is being certified for this. Right now the pentagon doesn’t feel comfortable being 100 percent drone based right now.

What’s really slick. The F-35 will be able to control a fleet of drones in the area via point to point communication to limit hacking threats. The pilot can queue up targets and tell the

It’s more about making sure no one wants to even bother to try.

That 1.5 trillion includes operational costs. So it’s already covered, but try again.

Probably not much tbqh. Less hacking risk than our drones.

Probably not. You have to literally gut the jets. It’s probably worth doing in the F-22s but nothing else really.

Or it really could be taught quite the opposite. It’s going to be around for 40 years, and it’s looking at having one of the most successful testing phases of any modern jet. The next block of F-35s is coming in under 90 mill each, with engines......

They don’t but that doesn’t mean they won’t in 10 years. Remember, the 1.5 trillion cost, that’s for 40 years and 2k F-35s. They expect this airframe to last that long. When you look how long the F-18cs have been around, they are right on the money with that estimation.