Still not the dumbest shit seen written on a red hat.
Still not the dumbest shit seen written on a red hat.
Harrison was only released because he asked to be, so he would have been paid to sit on his butt the same as he’ll be paid by the Pats for the last week of the season (maybe more? I’m guessing Pats only gave him pro-rated league min, not sure what the Steelers were paying him before).
You should all listen to this dude. He knows a thing or two about legacies and the Patriots.
To be fair, Tunsil is struggling in Miami and Apple was damned good last year.
I feel like the only person in the world who loved finding out that Snoke was a maguffin. I think it’s hilarious and delightful.
Jawbreaker is criminally underrated.
“Hey you want to go see Iron Maiden with me next week?”
ALSO: -Richard Spencer getting socked in the face -Jake Tapper taking down everyone - The producers of LA LA LAND apoplectically returning their Best Picture Oscar to Moonlight. - The Crown, Dammit - All Baseball Playoff Series, including the WS (maybe the best WS in the modern era) -ICARUS
I have never seen Breaking Bad nor was I that interested in watching it; now, I don’t have to—because Metástasis is a scene-for-scene, line-for-line, episode-for-episode remake.
A long way for that punchline but it was worth it.
Mrs. Michaels: Al, do you really have to work on New Year’s Eve? I wanted to go dancing.
“Shorting” securities like Bitcoin isn’t something you can just “go do.” In fact, shorting any security, commodity, or stock almost always requires one to have a solid track record with the exchange because margin trading is essentially taking out loans that you are hoping to pay back at a lower cost than what the…
Why the fuck do you want this guy to short BTC so much? He’s said he doesn’t want to take part in risky markets. He didn’t say “I am certain bitcoin will crash 70% in the next three weeks”.
Jesus fucking Christ - enough!
Really, the names damaged their reputation?? I would have thought the still smoldering ruin of their aircraft did that just fine already
I TOLD you.
"Who's responsible for this racist embarrassment?!"
Those names are pretty funny, but not quite as ridiculous as "Captain John Travolta."
This made me laugh like a goddamn 10 year old.