
17.)  People who bitch about Kobe years after his retirement while continuing to cape for Lebron.  They also haven’t been to LA, but love to talk shit about the city.

Michael Rappaport.

the 6'5 white guy who never migrates inside of the 3-point line for any reason and expects the smaller players to rebound.

The AND1 dribbler who shakes their defender and can't shoot worth shit.

16.) The Kobe Bryant stan, who insists that Kobe is the greatest, that his rape case was a set-up, and patterns his entire game after him, which is to say he takes a fuckton of shots and almost always misses. This dude also hates Lebron because he’s “selfish” and has never actually been to LA.

Isn’t that a conflict-of-interest considering he already owns the Bears?

Should have stuck to the rivers and the lakes that they used to

A couple things:

Just great the way security arrived and completely lost control of the situation by focusing on the calm guy, who was controlling the situation in a rational manner, and then letting the drunk fucker back on his feet to raise hell all over again. They were more concerned with their role of being “the man” getting

Not sorry, especially since I got you so riled up.

Found the defensive MAGA asshole

“We don’t know what happened before the video starts,though.”

This in a nutshell.

American exceptionalism, writ small, is the enemy of unionism. Every petty workplace tyrant thinks they’re just better enough than their coworkers that they’re going to rise into management any day now - temporarily embarrassed C-Suiters - and they want no part of collective agreements or solidarity.

I can’t stand it when my co-workers complain about “The Union”. We are The Union. Maybe you don’t like something that union leadership has done. Then organize and vote them out. I only wish it were that easy to get rid of management.

She could, but the property values were super low when she moved into that part of Oakland...

He’s going to play in San Francisco, now it’s Bougie. 

“Naw, man.  The loser label is still there.” - JaVale McGee

Yes, because everyone knows that once you ring chase, no one ever brings up the fact that you are a loser/cancer ever again.

Yeah, he’s going to spend the first 1/2 of this upcoming season rehabbing an injury anyways, so this is the perfect time to take a pay and playing time cut to chase a championship.